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Synology Surveillance Station

Control Synology Surveillance Station

This app is not compatible with Homey Pro (Early 2023).

This app is outdated and requires an update to work on Homey Pro (Early 2023). Unfortunately, the developer of this app does not offer direct support.

Control Synology Surveillance Station

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


Synology NAS
Recording starts
Synology NAS
Recording stops
Synology NAS
Becomes available
Synology NAS
Becomes unavailable
Synology NAS
A snapshot was taken


Synology NAS
is recording
Synology NAS
is available


Synology NAS
Start recording
Synology NAS
Stop recording
Synology NAS
Take a snapshot (save to Synology)
Synology NAS
Take a snapshot as token
Synology NAS
Enable camera
Synology NAS
Disable camera


The developer of this app does not offer direct support.

Synology Surveillance Station

Synology Surveillance Station is not compatible with the selected Homey.

Synology Surveillance Station will install on Homey shortly.
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