Homey Pro (Early 2023) è ora disponibile con l'accesso anticipato


Smart battery for everyone
Smart battery for everyone

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

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BlauHoff Battery
Set self consumption mode with Feed in limit limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum.
BlauHoff Battery
Set direct charge mode with Battery power limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.
BlauHoff Battery
Set direct discharge mode at Battery power power limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.
BlauHoff Battery
Set discharge only mode to the load, avoid charging with Feed in limit limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.
BlauHoff Battery
Set charge only mode, no discharging with Feed in limit limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.
BlauHoff Battery
Set inverter outputs at Battery power, inverter limit at Inverter limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.
BlauHoff Battery
Set inverter mode, operating at Battery power limit, keeping the battery level above Battery capacity minimum, for Duration minutes.


Lo sviluppatore di questa app non offre un supporto diretto.


Versione 1.0.1 — Initial release

Visualizza il changelog


BlauHoff non è compatibile con l'Homey selezionato.

BlauHoffverrà installato a breve su Homey.