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HTTP request flow cards

HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows

Diese App ist nicht mit Homey Pro (Early 2023) kompatibel.

Diese App ist veraltet und erfordert ein Update, um auf Homey Pro (Early 2023) zu funktionieren. Leider bietet der Entwickler dieser App bietet keinen direkten Support an.

HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows

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Wenn ...

HTTP request flow cards
Incoming GET Event name
T20 - Trigger this card by sending Homey a GET request.
HTTP request flow cards
Incoming POST Event name
T30 - Trigger this card by sending Homey a POST request. The posted body will be available in the `JSON`-token. This token can be used on cards C80, A80 and A81.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath value Trigger
T80 - Trigger this card with cards A22 and A81 by using the same value in the `trigger`-field.
HTTP request flow cards
JSON object Trigger
T81 - Trigger this card with card A24 by using the same value in the `trigger`-field.

Und ...

HTTP request flow cards
GET code is  http://url/ 200
C20 - Checks the HTTP response code of a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. Response code.
HTTP request flow cards
GET (query) code is  http://url/ {} 200
C21 - Checks the HTTP response code of a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. Response code.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath is  http://url/ {} JSONpath condition
C22 - Extract and check a specific value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. JSONpath expression; 4. Value for equation.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath is  $. condition
C80 - Extract and check a specific value from the JSON token available on card T30. Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Value for equation.

Dann ...

HTTP request flow cards
DELETE http://url/
A10 - Execute a DELETE request. Parameter: Url.
HTTP request flow cards
GET http://url/
A20 - Execute a GET request. Parameter: Url.
HTTP request flow cards
GET (query) http://url/ {}
A21 - Execute a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters (For a query like ?a=1&b=zz use `{"a":1,"b":"zz"}`).
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath Better Logic http://url/ JSONpath variable
A22 - Extract a value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response and save this in a Better Logic variable. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSONpath expression; 3. Better Logic variable.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath trigger value http://url/ {} JSONpath Trigger
A23 - Extract a value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response and trigger other flows with this value available as a token (card T80). Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. JSONpath expression; 4. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T80.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSON trigger object http://url/ Trigger
A24 - Trigger other flow with the JSON or XML formatted response of this request. The result will be available as a token in JSON format (card T81). ParametersL 1. Url; 2. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T81.
HTTP request flow cards
POST form http://url/ {}
A30 - Execute a POST with form data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted form data.
HTTP request flow cards
POST JSON http://url/ {}
A31 - Execute a POST with JSON data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON data.
HTTP request flow cards
POST XML http://url/ {}
A32 - Execute a POST with XML data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. XML.
HTTP request flow cards
PUT JSON http://url/ {}
A40 - Execute a PUT with JSON data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON data.
HTTP request flow cards
WebSocket send ws://url:port/ message
A70 - Open a WebSocket and send data. Parameters: 1. Url including port; 2. Data.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath Better Logic $. variable
A80 - Extract a value from the JSON token available on card T30 and save this in a Better Logic variable. Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Better Logic variable.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath for trigger $. trigger for T80
A81 - Extract a value from the JSON token available on card T30 and trigger other flows with this value available as a token (card T80). Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T80.
HTTP request flow cards
Depricated geek card {}
A90 - Please don't use this card, it's depricated as HTTP options can be used on every card with a `url` parameter.


Der Entwickler dieser App bietet keinen direkten Support an.

HTTP request flow cards

HTTP request flow cards ist mit dem gewählten Homey nicht kompatibel.

HTTP request flow cards wird in Kürze auf Homey installiert.