APRS-IS Client

Share weather data with APRS and CWOP networks
Share weather data with APRS and CWOP networks

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Weather Station
Temperaturen ändrades
Weather Station
Vindvinkel ändrad
Weather Station
Vindstyrkan ändrades
Weather Station
Byvinden ändrades
Weather Station
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Weather Station
Trycket ändrades
Weather Station
Regnet ändrades


Weather Station
Set humidity to Relative humidity.
Sets the humidity used to send to APRS-IS.
Weather Station
Set air pressure to Air pressure.
Sets the air pressure used to send to APRS-IS.
Weather Station
Set rainfall to Rainfall now in Units.
Sets the rainfall used to send to APRS-IS.
Weather Station
Set temperature to Temperature.
Sets the temperature used to send to APRS-IS.
Weather Station
Set wind speed to Wind speed, gust speed to Wind gust speed (optional) in Units and direction to Wind angle.
Sets the wind data used to send to APRS-IS.


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Vad är nytt?

Version 1.1.2 — Catch connection timeouts on WX-Station device

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APRS-IS Client

APRS-IS Client är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

APRS-IS Client installeras på Homey inom kort.