Roborock Cloud

Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners
Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


Robot Vacuum
Il livello della batteria è cambiato
Robot Vacuum
Lo stato di carica della batteria è cambiato ...
Robot Vacuum
The active map was changed
Robot Vacuum
Finished cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Started cleaning


Robot Vacuum
Lo stato di carica della batteria è ...
Robot Vacuum
Is cleaning


Robot Vacuum
Clean all rooms
Robot Vacuum
Clean rooms (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean room (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean room and room (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room and room (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room, room and room (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room, room, room and room (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Clean the current spot
Robot Vacuum
Clean zone from x1 coordinate, y1 coordinate to x2 coordinate, y2 coordinate (...x)
Robot Vacuum
Return to docking station
Robot Vacuum
Empty dustbin
Robot Vacuum
Move to x coordinate, y coordinate
Robot Vacuum
Load the map map
Robot Vacuum
Pause cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Send method command with parameters params
Robot Vacuum
Resume cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Set the mop route to mop route
Robot Vacuum
Set the mop intensity to mop intensity
Robot Vacuum
Set the vacuum intensity to vacuum intensity
Robot Vacuum
Stop cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Wash the mop


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Versione 1.0.2 — fixed rendering on map on older devices, fixed some translations which not come through properly

Visualizza il changelog

Roborock Cloud

Roborock Cloud non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

Roborock Cloudverrà installato a breve su Homey.