Support for a range of Misol and Ecowitt weather stations and sensors.
This app requires the Misol or Ecowitt gateway. You can even add more than one if you need to boost the signal to the far corners of your garden.
Add a weather station to Homey, so you can deploy your sunscreens when the solar radiation is hight or retract them if the wind is getting to strong.
Measure the soil moisture to know when watering is required.
Monitor the pollution levels inside and outside, plus the dangerous CO2 levels in your house.
Get notifications of lightning in your location so you can stay safe.
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Enheter som stöds
CO2 Meter
Laser Distance Sensor
Lightning Detector
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM25 Meter
Rain sensor
Soil Moisture
Temperature & Humidity Meter
Temperature Meter
Water Leak Sensor
Water Temperature Meter
Weather Station
Weather Station (WS80)
Klicka på en enhet ovan för att visa endast relaterade Flow-kort.
CO2 Meter
CO2-nivån ändrades
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Temperaturen ändrades
Laser Distance Sensor
Avståndet ändrades
Laser Distance Sensor
Batterinivån ändrades
Laser Distance Sensor
Measure Depth Changed
Lightning Detector
Batterinivån ändrades
Lightning Detector
Lightning Distance Changed
Lightning Detector
Number of lightning strikes Changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
CO2-nivån ändrades
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM10-värdet har ändrats
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM2.5-värdet har ändrats
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Index för luftkvalitet ändrades
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Temperaturen ändrades
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Batterinivån ändrades
PM10 and CO2 Meter
CO2-larmet på
PM10 and CO2 Meter
CO2-larmet av
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM2.5-larmet aktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM2.5-larmet inaktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM10-larmet aktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM10-larmet inaktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Strömlarmet aktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Strömlarmet inaktiverat
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 alarm turned off
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 alarm turned on
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The power turned on
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The power turned off
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM2.5 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average PM2.5 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM2.5 air quality index has changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM2.5 average air quality index has changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The CO2 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum CO2 quality
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 level changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average PM10 level changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average PM10 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 air quality index has changed
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 average air quality index has changed
PM25 Meter
PM2.5-värdet har ändrats
PM25 Meter
Index för luftkvalitet ändrades
PM25 Meter
Batterinivån ändrades
PM25 Meter
The PM2.5 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM25 Meter
The average PM2.5 air quality has become Comparison type Minimum Air quality
PM25 Meter
The PM2.5 air quality index has changed
PM25 Meter
The PM2.5 average air quality index has changed
Rain sensor
The daily rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The event rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The hourly rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The monthly rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The rain rate Changed
Rain sensor
The total rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The weekly rainfall Changed
Rain sensor
The yearly rainfall Changed
Soil Moisture
Batterinivån ändrades
Soil Moisture
Fuktnivån ändrades
Soil Moisture
The soil moisture has changed
Temperature & Humidity Meter
Batterinivån ändrades
Temperature & Humidity Meter
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Temperature & Humidity Meter
Temperaturen ändrades
Temperature Meter
Batterinivån ändrades
Temperature Meter
Temperaturen ändrades
Water Leak Sensor
Batterinivån ändrades
Water Leak Sensor
Vattenalarmet aktiverat
Water Leak Sensor
Vattenalarmet inaktiverat
Water Temperature Meter
Batterinivån ändrades
Water Temperature Meter
Temperaturen ändrades
Weather Station
Temperaturen ändrades
Weather Station
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Weather Station
Trycket ändrades
Weather Station
Vindvinkel ändrad
Weather Station
Vindstyrkan ändrades
Weather Station
Byvinden ändrades
Weather Station
Luminansen ändrades
Weather Station
Ultraviolettvärdet ändrades
Weather Station
Batterialarmet aktiverat
Weather Station
Batterialarmet aktiverat
Weather Station
Batterinivån ändrades
Weather Station
The daily rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The event rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The hourly rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The monthly rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The rain rate Changed
Weather Station
The total rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The weekly rainfall Changed
Weather Station
The yearly rainfall Changed
Weather Station
Dew point Changed
Weather Station
The feels like temperature Changed
Weather Station (WS80)
Temperaturen ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Trycket ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Vindvinkel ändrad
Weather Station (WS80)
Vindstyrkan ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Byvinden ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Luminansen ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Ultraviolettvärdet ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Batterinivån ändrades
Weather Station (WS80)
Dew point Changed
Weather Station (WS80)
The feels like temperature Changed
Motion snapshot is ready within Wait Time seconds
CO2 Meter
CO2-larmet är på
Laser Distance Sensor
The depth is less than Depth m
Laser Distance Sensor
The depth is equal to Depth m
Lightning Detector
The Lightning Distance is less than Lightning Distance km
Lightning Detector
The Lightning Distance is equal to Lightning Distance km
Lightning Detector
The Lightning strikes is is less than Lightning Strikes
Lightning Detector
The Lightning strikes is equal to Lightning Strikes
PM10 and CO2 Meter
CO2-larmet är på
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM2.5-larmet är på
PM10 and CO2 Meter
PM10-larmet är på
PM10 and CO2 Meter
Strömlarmet är på
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The air quality index is equal to Air quality index %
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The air quality index is less than Air quality index %
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average air quality index is equal to Average Air quality index %
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average air quality index is less than Average Air quality index %
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 air quality index is less than Air quality index
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The PM10 air quality index is equal to Air quality index
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average PM10 air quality index is less than Average Air quality index
PM10 and CO2 Meter
The average PM10 air quality index is equal to Average Air quality index
PM25 Meter
The air quality index is equal to Air quality index %
PM25 Meter
The air quality index is less than Air quality index %
PM25 Meter
The average air quality index is equal to Average Air quality index %
PM25 Meter
The average air quality index is less than Average Air quality index %
Rain sensor
The hours since it last rained is equal to Hours since it last rained Hours
Rain sensor
The hours since it last rained is less less than Hours since it last rained Hours
Rain sensor
The daily rainfall is equal to Daily rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The daily rainfall is is less than Daily rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The event rainfall is equal to Event rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The event rainfall is is less than Event rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The hourly rainfall is equal to Hourly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The hourly rainfall is is less than Hourly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The monthly rainfall is equal to Monthly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The monthly rainfall is is less than Monthly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The rain rate is equal to Rain rate mm/hr
Rain sensor
The rain rate is is less than Rain rate mm/hr
Rain sensor
The total rainfall is equal to Total rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The total rainfall is is less than Total rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The weekly rainfall is equal to Weekly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The weekly rainfall is is less than Weekly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The yearly rainfall is equal to Yearly rainfall mm
Rain sensor
The yearly rainfall is is less than Yearly rainfall mm
Soil Moisture
The soil moisture is is less than Soil Moisture %
Soil Moisture
The soil moisture is equal to Soil Moisture %
Water Leak Sensor
Vattenalarmet är på
Weather Station
Batterialarmet är på
Weather Station
The hours since it last rained is equal to Hours since it last rained Hours
Weather Station
The hours since it last rained is less less than Hours since it last rained Hours
Weather Station
The daily rainfall is equal to Daily rainfall mm
Weather Station
The daily rainfall is is less than Daily rainfall mm
Weather Station
The event rainfall is equal to Event rainfall mm
Weather Station
The event rainfall is is less than Event rainfall mm
Weather Station
The hourly rainfall is equal to Hourly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The hourly rainfall is is less than Hourly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The monthly rainfall is equal to Monthly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The monthly rainfall is is less than Monthly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The rain rate is equal to Rain rate mm/hr
Weather Station
The rain rate is is less than Rain rate mm/hr
Weather Station
The total rainfall is equal to Total rainfall mm
Weather Station
The total rainfall is is less than Total rainfall mm
Weather Station
The weekly rainfall is equal to Weekly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The weekly rainfall is is less than Weekly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The yearly rainfall is equal to Yearly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The yearly rainfall is is less than Yearly rainfall mm
Weather Station
The dew point is equal to Dew point °C
Weather Station
The dew point is is less than Dew point °C
Weather Station
The feels like temperature is equal to Feels like temperature °C
Weather Station
The feels like temperature is is less than Feels like temperature °C
Weather Station (WS80)
The dew point is equal to Dew point °C
Weather Station (WS80)
The dew point is is less than Dew point °C
Weather Station (WS80)
The feels like temperature is equal to Feels like temperature °C
Weather Station (WS80)
The feels like temperature is is less than Feels like temperature °C
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Version 0.1.53 — Added link to gateway setup instructions in App Settings page.
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