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Button +

Control Button + panels
Control Button + panels

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


Button Panel
Intensità luminosa modificata
Button Panel
La temperatura è cambiata
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on connector Connectore Number was turned On or off
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on connector Connector Number was pressed for a long time
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on connector Connector Number was turned off
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on connector Connector Number was turned on
Button Panel
The Left / Right button on connector Connector Number was released
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on Display / Button configuration Configuration was State


Button Panel
The button configuration Configuration is active on connector Connector Number
Button Panel
The Left / Right Button on connector Connector Number is on
Button Panel
The display configuration Configuration is active


Button Panel
Imposta l'intensità luminosa su %
Button Panel
Imposta intensità luminosa su relativa %
Dim or brighten with respect to the device's current dim-level.
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right button label of Configuration to Label
Sets the label of the specified button
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right button top label of Configuration to Top Label
Sets the top label of the specified button
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right Front / Wall On colour LED colour on Configuration to RGB colour. Update configuration: Update Configuration
Sets the colour of the LED associated with the connector using the specified configuration
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right button label on connector Connector number to Text
Sets the label of the specified button
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right button top label on connector Connector number to Label
Sets the top label of the specified button
Button Panel
Set the Left / Right Front / Wall LED colour on connector Connector number to RGB colour
Sets the colour of the specified LED
Button Panel
Set the large display brightness to Large Level and the mini display brightness to Mini Level
Set the brightness of the displays
Button Panel
Select the Page Command Page Index large display page
Select the page of the displays
Button Panel
Set the information text to Information text
Sets the information text so it can be displayed on a panel
Button Panel
Switch connector Connector number to button configuration Configuration number
Send the select configuration to the display device for the selected connector
Button Panel
Switch connector Connector number to button configuration Configuration
Send the select configuration to the display device for the selected connector
Button Panel
Switch to Display Configuration Configuration number
Send the select display configuration to the device
Button Panel
Switch to Display Configuration Configuration
Send the select display configuration to the device
Button Panel
Turn off Left / Right button on connector Connector number
Turn off the specified button
Button Panel
Turn on Left / Right button on connector Connector number
Turn on the specified button
Button Panel
Re-apply Configurations
Uploads the configurations to the device


Hai un problema con questa app? Contatta lo sviluppatore qui.


Versione 0.5.5 — Fix regression to MQTT payload in last update.

Visualizza il changelog

Button +

Questa app può gestire l'intero Homey.

Button + non è compatibile con l'Homey selezionato.

Button +verrà installato a breve su Homey.