
Connected clock for a Smart Home
Connected clock for a Smart Home

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LaMetric Time
Volume modifié


LaMetric Time
Définir le volume sur %
LaMetric Time
Set relative volume %
Change the volume with respect to the device's current volume.
LaMetric Time
... the alarm clock
LaMetric Time
Set the alarm clock Time to Radio or buzzer?
LaMetric Time
Change device mode to Mode
LaMetric Time
Clear the notification queue
LaMetric Time
Set the clock face to Clock face
LaMetric Time
Set a custom clock face icon to Icon
LaMetric Time
Show next widget
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text Icon
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text Icon code
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text Icon code Sound Repeat
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text Icon Sound Repeat
LaMetric Time
Notification Priority Icon type Text Sound Repeat
LaMetric Time
Show previous widget
LaMetric Time
Radio Action
LaMetric Time
Set brightness to %
LaMetric Time
Set brightness to Auto
LaMetric Time
Show widget Select widget
LaMetric Time
Stopwatch Action
LaMetric Time
Timer Action
LaMetric Time
Timer configuration Duration in seconds Start now?
LaMetric Time
Weather Action


Vous avez un problème avec cette appli ? Contacter le développeur via le Forum Communauté Homey.


Version 1.3.0 — Added 'Change device mode' action.

Afficher le journal des modifications


LaMetric n’est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

LaMetric va s’installer sur Homey dans un instant.