
NodOn Z-Wave devices for Homey
NodOn Z-Wave devices for Homey

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


Micro Smart Plug
Turned on
Micro Smart Plug
Turned off
Micro Smart Plug
The power changed
Micro Smart Plug
The power meter changed
Octan Remote
The battery level changed
Octan Remote
Button sequence Users sequence used
Separate the buttons ( 1 - 4 ) of the sequence with a comma ( , ) or semicolon ( ; ), 2x the same button after each other is not possible. This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode". And the sequence setting activated.
Octan Remote
Scene button pressed
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode"
Octan Remote
Scene Button is Pressed ...x
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding button settings are in "Scene Mode"
Octan Remote
Remote Turned .../Started dimming ...
This flow card will only trigger if the remote's settings are in "Single Button Mode" or "Dual Button Mode", triggers on all buttons that are in these modes
Smart Plug
Turned on
Smart Plug
Turned off
Smart Plug
Power was interupted
This will trigger if the power is interupted, or the smart plug was removed from its socket.
Smart Plug
Power was retored
This will trigger if the power was restored, or the smart plug is plugged into its socket again
Soft Remote
The battery level changed
Soft Remote
Button sequence Users sequence used
Separate the buttons ( 1 - 4 ) of the sequence with a comma ( , ) or semicolon ( ; ), 2x the same button after each other is not possible. This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode". And the sequence setting activated.
Soft Remote
Scene button pressed
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode"
Soft Remote
Scene Button is Pressed ...x
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding button settings are in "Scene Mode"
Soft Remote
Remote Turned .../Started dimming ...
This flow card will only trigger if the remote's settings are in "Single Button Mode" or "Dual Button Mode", triggers on all buttons that are in these modes
Wall Switch
The battery level changed
Wall Switch
Button sequence Users sequence used
Separate the buttons ( 1 - 4 ) of the sequence with a comma ( , ) or semicolon ( ; ), 2x the same button after each other is not possible. This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode". And the sequence setting activated.
Wall Switch
Scene button pressed
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding settings are in "Scene Mode"
Wall Switch
Scene Button is Pressed ...x
This flow card will only trigger if the corresponding button settings are in "Scene Mode"
Wall Switch
Remote Turned .../Started dimming ...
This flow card will only trigger if the switches's settings are in "Single Button Mode" or "Dual Button Mode", triggers on all buttons that are in these modes


Micro Smart Plug
Is turned on
Smart Plug
Is turned on


Micro Smart Plug
Turn on
Micro Smart Plug
Turn off
Micro Smart Plug
Toggle on or off
Micro Smart Plug
Reset power meter
Reset the accumulated power usage value (kWh), this can not be reversed!
Smart Plug
Turn on
Smart Plug
Turn off
Smart Plug
Toggle on or off


Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer here.

What’s new

Version 3.0.3 — Several stability improvements.

View changelog


NodOn is not compatible with the selected Homey.

NodOn will install on Homey shortly.
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