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Bose Devices

Automate your Bose devices
Automate your Bose devices

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


Soundtouch Device
Turned on
Soundtouch Device
Turned off
Soundtouch Device
Started playing
Soundtouch Device
Stopped playing
Soundtouch Device
The artist changed
Soundtouch Device
The album changed
Soundtouch Device
The track changed
Soundtouch Device
The volume changed
Soundtouch Device
Playback Started
Soundtouch Device
Playback Stopped
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
New Artwork
Soundtouch Device
New Bass Level
Soundtouch Device
New Preset Playing
Soundtouch Device
New Source Active
Soundtouch Device
Favorite started playing
Soundtouch Device
Not playing favorites anymore
Soundtouch Device
Has joined a Zone
Soundtouch Device
Has left a Zone


Soundtouch Device
Is turned on
Soundtouch Device
Is playing
Soundtouch Device
It is muted
Soundtouch Device
Is playing favorite
Soundtouch Device
Source Source is selected
Soundtouch Device
Is master of zone
Soundtouch Device
Is in a zone
Soundtouch Device
Device is in the zone


Soundtouch Device
Turn on
Soundtouch Device
Turn off
Soundtouch Device
Toggle on or off
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
Toggle Play/Pause
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
Soundtouch Device
Shuffle on
Soundtouch Device
Shuffle off
Soundtouch Device
Repeat ...
Soundtouch Device
Set the volume to %
Soundtouch Device
Set relative volume %
Change the volume with respect to the device's current volume.
Soundtouch Device
Mute the volume
Soundtouch Device
Unmute the volume
Soundtouch Device
Toggle muted volume on or off
Soundtouch Device
Play preset Preset
Soundtouch Device
Set Bass Level to Bass Level
Soundtouch Device
Change source to Source
Soundtouch Device
Send command Command
Soundtouch Device
Create/Add zone with Device
Soundtouch Device
Remove Device from zone
Soundtouch Device
Play notification Soundfile URL (MP3, AAC, HE-AAC, WMA, Vorbis, FLAC or ALAC) with message Message and reason Reason at Volume volume
Soundtouch Device
Restore Previous Playback


Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer by sending an e-mail.

What's new

Version 2.0.12 — Stability fixes for the internal realtime communication handler when devices are removed from Homey

View changelog

Bose Devices

Bose Devices is not compatible with the selected Homey.

Bose Devices will install on Homey shortly.
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