Roborock Cloud

Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners
Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

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Unterstützte Geräte


Klicke oben auf ein Gerät, um nur verwandte Flow-Karten anzuzeigen.

Wenn ...

Robot Vacuum
Der Batteriestand hat sich geändert
Robot Vacuum
The battery charging state changed ...
Robot Vacuum
Finished cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Started cleaning

Und ...

Robot Vacuum
The battery charging state is ...
Robot Vacuum
Is cleaning

Dann ...

Robot Vacuum
Clean all rooms
Robot Vacuum
Clean rooms
Robot Vacuum
Clean room
Robot Vacuum
Clean room and room
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room and room
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room, room and room
Robot Vacuum
Clean room, room, room, room and room
Robot Vacuum
Clean the current spot
Robot Vacuum
Clean zone from x1 coordinate, y1 coordinate to x1 coordinate, y1 coordinate
Robot Vacuum
Return to docking station
Robot Vacuum
Empty dustbin
Robot Vacuum
Move to x coordinate, y coordinate
Robot Vacuum
Load the map map
Robot Vacuum
Pause cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Send method command with parameters params
Robot Vacuum
Resume cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Set the scrub intensity to suction power
Robot Vacuum
Set the suction power to suction power
Robot Vacuum
Stop cleaning
Robot Vacuum
Wash the mop


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Was ist neu?

Version 0.9.0 — Added action flow cards and UI actions for pausing and resuming the cleaning, added auto-complete for map names, added new flow cards with auto-complete for rooms.

Changelog ansehen

Roborock Cloud

Roborock Cloud ist mit dem gewählten Homey nicht kompatibel.

Roborock Cloud wird in Kürze auf Homey installiert.