The main goal of this app is to limit the maximum electricity consumption per hour so that you stay within the desired power tariff in Norway and elsewhere where applicable. Electricity consumption will also be moved from expensive to cheap hours where possible.
Please note that the app is still under development so it would be appreciated if any errors are reported in the forum so that they can be fixed as soon as possible.
- Install the app
- Go to Apps / Piggy Bank / Configure app
- Under the "Devices->Controllable Devices" tab:
- Select the devices you want the app to control. The more power that can be controlled the better.
- Under the "Home" tab:
- Select target value for power tariff
- Activate the app
- Click save
- Add a flow card to send the current power from the power-meter to this app
- Save over 1000 NOK a year on the power tariff. (in Norway)
- Experiment with the settings and flows and follow the recommendations below to get the most out of the app.
- Install the piggy bank insights device if you're interested in statistics (this is optional)
- Set up flow cards to change between modes day/night/etc. at relevant times.
- Turn on price management to move electricity between expensive and cheap hours (under "Devices->Price management")
- Set up temperature settings for different modes and price points for optimal heat management (under "Devices->Modes and priority")
- Use flows to turn off zones when a room is ventilated.
- Use flows to increase reserved power consumption at the start of the hour you normally cook dinner.
- Use flows to reduce reserved power consumption when you have normally finished making dinner.
- Use flows to switch off relevant zones when you ventilate or there is strong sunshine.
- Use flows to ensure that you are notified when the app has detected a large uncontrollable power consumption before the end of the hour, which you must manually stop to meet the power tariff.
Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.
Piggy Bank
There is more than Available Power Watts available for other devices for the rest of the hour.
Use this trigger if you want to control the power of for example an electric car charger.
Piggy Bank
The price level changed.
Use this trigger if you want the internal price control of Piggy Bank to control external events.
Piggy Bank
Could not reduce power usage. Turn off attached power immediately or the power-tariff for next month will be increased!
Use this condition as a last resort to limit energy. If the app turned off every controllable device the user can be alerted to do a manual powerdown if this was not enough.
Piggy Charge Controller
Turned on
Piggy Charge Controller
Turned off
Piggy Charge Controller
The power changed
Piggy Charge Controller
The battery level changed
Piggy Charge Controller
The charging power should be changed to the supplied token (Offered power) W
This trigger should be used to change the charging power. It will be called on the best schedule after the action 'Start Charging Cycle' has been initiated. If the connected charger supports direct control, this trigger will not be called.
Piggy Charge Controller
The charging should be started, using lowest power
This Trigger should be used to start the charger. It will be called on the best schedule after the action 'Start Charging Cycle' has been initiated. If the connected charger supports direct control, this trigger will not be called.
Piggy Charge Controller
The charging should be stopped
This Trigger should be used to stop the charger. It will be called on the best schedule after the action 'Start Charging Cycle' has been initiated. If the connected charger supports direct control, this trigger will not be called.
Piggy Bank
The future price in Number of hours hours is unavailable
Use this condition to handle situations when the future prices in a given number of hours for some reason is not available.
Piggy Bank
The zone Zone name is enabled
Use this flow card to check if a zone is enabled for app control. You may have to restart Piggy Bank if you changed name of a zone.
Piggy Bank
The mode is equal to Mode
Use this flowcard to check when the app operation mode is equal to a certain value.
Piggy Bank
The price level is equal to ...
Use this flow card to check if the price point is a certain value.
Piggy Charge Controller
Is turned on
Piggy Bank
Set the max hourly usage to Max usage per hour
Allows you to dynamically change the maximum hourly usage. This could be useful when changing between summer time, winter time and long holidays
Piggy Bank
Set the Piggy Bank operation mode to Mode
Allows you to switch between day, night and other operation modes
Piggy Bank
Set the Piggy Bank price point to ...
Inform Piggy Bank whether the energy is expensive or cheap
Piggy Bank
Set the reserved power to Reserved power
Allows you to reserve power for uncontrollable devices, such as when making dinner
Piggy Bank
Change zone enabled for Zone name to Enabled
Allows you to turn on/off devices in zones e.g. in connection with ventilation. You may have to restart Piggy Bank if you changed name of a zone. If the app is disabled the zone list may be empty.
Piggy Bank
Override Device Device operation with ...
Allows you to override how Piggy Bank operates a specific device.
Piggy Bank
Set the energy used to Connect to the power meter's consumption reading kWh
Attach the energy usage (per day/hour/total etc.) output of your meter reader to this action card in order to enable the app. In case you have several readings for different intervals (day/hour etc.) then only send one of them to this app and make sure it's the one that updates most often.
Piggy Bank
Set the power to Current Power usage from the power meter W
Attach the current power usage output of your energy meter to this action card in order to enable the app
Piggy Charge Controller
Turn on
Piggy Charge Controller
Turn off
Piggy Charge Controller
Toggle on or off
Piggy Charge Controller
Inform Piggy about the current battery level Battery level%
This action will inform the charge controller about the current battery level. It is important that the charge controller knows the state of the charger at any time.
Piggy Charge Controller
Inform Piggy about current charger power Power in use (W)W
This action will inform the charge controller about the current charger power. It is important that the charge controller knows the state of the charger at any time.
Piggy Charge Controller
Inform Piggy about charger state ...
This action will inform the charge controller about how to interact with the charger. This should be directly linked to the state of the charger. It is important that the charge controller is prevented from charging when charging is complete, no car is connected, and in error situations.
Piggy Charge Controller
Start charging cheapest Offered energy (kWh) kWh before End time
Tell Piggy Bank to start a charging cycle. The offered energy (kWh) will be distributed on the cheapest hours before the time runs out. When the given amount of energy has been offered to the car the charging cycle will stop.
Note that for supported car chargers the offered energy and used energy will be the same. For unsupported car chargers this may not be the case.
Piggy Charge Controller
Start charging Number of hours to offer energy cheapest hours before End time
Tell Piggy Bank to start a charging cycle. It will only charge in the X cheapest hours before the time runs out. (Note that if the current hour is one of them then the charging time will be shorter)
For unsupported car chargers this may be the most deterministic starting function as they do not report used energy.
Piggy Charge Controller
Stop the charging cycle ahead of time
In case you need to stop the charging cycle ahead of time you can call this flow card in order to prevent the app from offering more energy.
Version 0.22.14 — Added support for new devices: com.scinan.api:SASWELL_THERMOSTAT + + net.filllip-namron:451275_X +no.osoincharge:water-heater + no.thermofloor:Z-HAN2