Warning! This app might not work properly.

This app version is currently being tested, and has not yet been reviewed. It might not work as expected.
Be extra careful when installing this app.

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Blue Power

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


The battery level changed
The battery charging state changed ...
The generic alarm turned on
The generic alarm turned off
The power changed
The voltage changed
The electric current changed
The temperature changes
Energy Meter
The power changed
Energy Meter
The power meter changed
Energy Meter
Grid surplus changed to [[power]] / [[single_phase]] / [[three_phase]]
EV Charger
Turned on
EV Charger
Turned off
EV Charger
The power changed
EV Charger
The electric current changed
EV Charger
The power meter changed
EV Charger
Status changed to [[status]]
PV Inverter
The power changed
Solar Charger
The power changed
Solar Charger
The electric current changed
Solar Charger
The voltage changed
Solar Charger
The power meter changed
Tank sensor
Status changed to [[status]]
Tank sensor
Tank level changed to [[level]]
Temperature sensor
The temperature changes
Temperature sensor
The humidity changed
Temperature sensor
The pressure changed
Temperature sensor
The voltage changed
Temperature sensor
Status changed to [[status]]
Victron GX
The power changed
Victron GX
Alarm status changed to [[status]] with [[alarms]] and [[warnings]]
Victron GX
Dynamic ESS mode changed to Mode
Victron GX
Input source changed to [[source]]
Victron GX
Switch position changed
Victron GX
VE Bus status changed to [[status]]


The battery charging state is ...
The generic alarm is on
Time since last full charge is less than Time (seconds)
EV Charger
Is turned on
Victron GX
AC inputs are below Power (W)
Victron GX
AC loads are below Power (W)
Victron GX
AC outputs are below Power (W)
Victron GX
Max charge current is Condition Current (A)
Victron GX
Consumption power is below Power (W)
Victron GX
Excess solar power is below Power (W)
Victron GX
Max grid feed-in power is Condition Power (W)
Victron GX
Grid power is below Power (W)
Victron GX
Grid setpoint is Condition Power (W)
Victron GX
Input source is Source
Victron GX
Max discharge power is Condition Power (W)
Victron GX
Min SoC is Condition SoC (%)
Victron GX
Scheduled charging is enabled for schedule Schedule
Victron GX
Solar power is below Power (W)
Victron GX
Switch position is Mode
Victron GX
VE Bus status is Status


EV Charger
Turn on
EV Charger
Turn off
EV Charger
Toggle on or off
EV Charger
Set EV charger max current to Current (A)
Used for chargers in manual mode. Sets the maximum charge current
EV Charger
Set EV charger mode to Mode
Victron GX
Create charging schedule Schedule for Day at Start time with duration Duration or SoC SoC
Creates a charging schedule. Please note you need to enter your GX device's root password in the device settings.
Victron GX
Disable charging schedule Schedule
Disables a charging schedule. Please note you need to enter your GX device's root password in the device settings.
Victron GX
Enable charging schedule Schedule
Enables a charging schedule. Please note you need to enter your GX device's root password in the device settings.
Victron GX
Limit charge current to Current (A)
Sets the maximum charge current (defined under the DVCC section).
Victron GX
Limit grid feed-in power to Power (W)
Victron GX
Limit AC import to Current (A) when peakshaving
Passing value -1 will disable the limit
Victron GX
Limit discharge power to Power (W)
Sets the maximum inverter power (defined under ESS).
Victron GX
Set batteryLife state to Mode
Victron GX
Set dynamic ESS mode to Mode
Victron GX
Set multiphase regulation state to Mode
Victron GX
Switch relay 1 to State
Victron GX
Switch relay 2 to State
Victron GX
Set switch position to Mode
Victron GX
Update grid setpoint to Power (W)
Sets the grid setpoint (defined under ESS).
Victron GX
Update minimum SoC to SoC (%)
Sets the minimum SoC, unless grid fails (defined under ESS).


Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer here.

What’s new

Version 1.4.1 — New action for setting the dynamic ESS mode

View changelog

Victron Energy

Victron Energy is not compatible with the selected Homey.

Victron Energy will install on Homey shortly.
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