Power of the hour

Keep your energy consumption below your desired limit
Keep your energy consumption below your desired limit

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Power of the hour
Consumption notification trigged
This card triggers when the actual consumption has exceeded the configured limit and the time of the hour is between the notification times set in settings.
Power of the hour
Consumption notification reset
This card triggers when the consumption notification is trigged and a new hour starts. Can be used to e.g. turn heaters back on if they were turned off by the consumption notification.
Power of the hour
Cost notification trigged
This card triggers when the actual cost has exceeded the configured limit and the time of the hour is between the notification times set in settings.
Power of the hour
Cost notification reset
This card triggers when the cost notification is trigged and a new hour starts.
Power of the hour
New hour started
This card triggers when a new hour starts, even when no notifications have been trigged.
Power of the hour
Power available changed - Consumption limit
This card triggers when the power available up to the consumption limit is changed. This tells you at what consumption you need to stay below to keep under the limit.
Power of the hour
Power available changed - Predicted consumption limit
This card triggers when the power available up to the prediced consumption limit is changed. This tells you at what consumption you need to stay below to keep under the limit.
Power of the hour
New consumption peak
This card triggers when a new consumption peak is registered within the current hour.
Power of the hour
Predicted cost notification trigged
This card triggers when the predicted cost has exceeded the configured limit and the time of the hour is between the notification times set in settings.
Power of the hour
Predicted cost notification reset
This card triggers when the predicted cost drops below the configured limit while the predicted cost notification is trigged and the setting 'Reset activated' is on. It can also be set to trigger on reset due to start of a new hour in the settings (still requires cost predicton notification to be trigged).
Power of the hour
Predicted consumption notification trigged
This card triggers when the predicted consumption has exceeded the configured limit and the time of the hour is between the notification times set in settings.
Power of the hour
Predicted consumption notification reset
This card triggers when the predicted consumption drops below the configured limit while the prediction notification is trigged and the setting 'Reset activated' is on. It can also be set to trigger on reset due to start of a new hour in the settings (still requires predicton notification to be trigged). Can be used to e.g. turn heaters back on if they were turned off by the prediction notification.


Power of the hour
Consumption limit is above Wh
This card can be used to check towards the consumption limit in settings.
Power of the hour
Consumption notification is trigged
This card can be used to check if the consumption notification has been trigged.
Power of the hour
Cost limit is above kr
This card can be used to check towards the cost limit in settings.
Power of the hour
Cost notification is trigged
This card can be used to check if the cost notification has been trigged.
Power of the hour
Predicted cost limit is above kr
This card can be used to check towards the predicted cost limit in settings.
Power of the hour
'Reset below (kr)' limit is above kr
This card can be used to check towards the 'Reset below (kr)' limit for cost in settings.
Power of the hour
Predicted cost notification is triggered
This card can be used to check if the predicted cost notification has been trigged.
Power of the hour
Predicted consunption limit is above Wh
This card can be used to check towards the predicted consumption limit in settings.
Power of the hour
'Reset below (Wh)' limit is above Wh
This card can be used to check towards the 'Reset below (Wh)' limit for consumption in settings.
Power of the hour
Predicted consumption notification is triggered
This card can be used to check if the predicted consumption notification has been trigged.


Power of the hour
Update consumption with Power Unit
Register change in consumption with W or kW
Power of the hour
Update price with kr/kWh
Register change in price
Power of the hour
Reset all values
Resets all values and notifications without any flows triggering. No settings are changed. Mainly to be used during testing and tuning when you don't want to wait for a new hour to reset.
Power of the hour
Set new consumption limit to Wh
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for actual consumption
Power of the hour
Set new cost limit to kr
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for actual cost
Power of the hour
Set new predicted cost limit to kr
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for predicted cost
Power of the hour
Set 'Reset below (kr)' limit to kr
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for reset of predicted cost
Power of the hour
Set new prediction limit to Wh
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for predicted consumption
Power of the hour
Set 'Reset below (Wh)' limit to Wh
Set a new limit for trigger of notification for reset of predicted consumption


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Version 1.3.5 — Improved error handling

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Power of the hour

Power of the hour är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Power of the hour installeras på Homey inom kort.