Integrate your Zaptec charger with Homey.
Avoid circuit overloading by load balancing your Zaptec charger. Start your charging
session when the power is cheap. Keep statistics over your charging.
This app aims to be a complete integration of Zaptec products. If your product isn't
supported, or some feature is missing, please place an issue in the source code
Uses your credentials to connect to the Zaptec API. Your credentials are safely
stored on your Homey only!
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Enheter som stöds
Zaptec Go
Zaptec Home
Zaptec Pro
Klicka på en enhet ovan för att visa endast relaterade Flow-kort.
Zaptec Go
Strömmen ändrades
Zaptec Go
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Zaptec Go
Temperaturen ändrades
Zaptec Go
Car disconnects
Zaptec Go
Charging starts
Zaptec Home
Strömmen ändrades
Zaptec Home
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Zaptec Home
Car disconnects
Zaptec Home
Charging starts
Zaptec Home
Charging stops
Zaptec Pro
Strömmen ändrades
Zaptec Pro
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Zaptec Pro
Car disconnects
Zaptec Pro
Charging starts
Zaptec Pro
Charging stops
Zaptec Go
Car is charging
Zaptec Go
Car is connected
Zaptec Go
Charging is finished
Zaptec Home
Car is charging
Zaptec Home
Car is connected
Zaptec Home
Charging is finished
Zaptec Pro
Car is charging
Zaptec Pro
Car is connected
Zaptec Pro
Charging is finished
Zaptec Go
Set available current to Current P1 /Current P2 /Current P3
Zaptec Go
Lock cable to charging station
Zaptec Go
Unlock cable from charging station
Zaptec Home
Set available current to Current P1 /Current P2 /Current P3
Zaptec Home
Start charging
Zaptec Home
Stop charging
Zaptec Home
Lock cable to charging station
Zaptec Home
Unlock cable from charging station
Zaptec Home
Reboot charger
Zaptec Pro
Set available current to Current P1 /Current P2 /Current P3
Zaptec Pro
Start charging
Zaptec Pro
Lock cable to charging station
Zaptec Pro
Unlock cable from charging station
Zaptec Pro
Reboot charger
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Kontakta utvecklaren här .
Vad är nytt?
Version 1.6.0 — Added chargers to Energy tab. New setting to hide values per phase.
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