Dołącz do naszej urodzinowej imprezy. Tylko w tym tygodniu co 10. Homey Pro lub Homey Bridge jest darmowy!


There is more to you than just weight.
There is more to you than just weight.

Czytaj więcej ›

Obsługiwane urządzenia

Karty Flow

Kliknij na urządzenie powyżej, aby wyświetlić tylko powiązane karty Flow.


Withings User
Went to bed
Withings User
Got out of bed
Withings User
Weight has been measured
Withings User
Height has been measured
Withings User
Heart pulse has been measured
Withings User
Body temperature has been measured
Withings User
Skin temperature has been measured
Withings User
Bone mass has been measured
Withings User
Muscle mass has been measured
Withings User
Fat free mass has been measured
Withings User
Fat mass has been measured
Withings User
Fat ratio has been measured
Withings User
Diastolic blood pressure has been measured
Withings User
Sysstolic blood pressure has been measured
Withings User
Hydration has been measured
Withings User
Pulse wave velocity has been measured
Withings User
SpO2 has been measured


Masz problem z tą aplikacją? Skontaktuj się z twórcami aplikacji tutaj.


Wersja 3.2.0 — Updated icons for all measurement values.

Zobacz listę zmian


Withings nie jest kompatybilna z wybranym Homey.

Withings zostanie wkrótce zainstalowana na Homey.