HTTP request flow cards

HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows

이 앱은 Homey Pro (2023년 초기 모델)과 호환되지 않습니다.

이 앱은 구버전이라 Homey Pro (2023년 초기 모델)에서 작동하려면 업데이트가 필요합니다. 안타깝지만 이 앱의 개발자는 직접 지원을 제공하지 않습니다.

HTTP request triggers, conditions and actions for flows

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Flow 카드


HTTP request flow cards
Incoming GET Event name
T20 - Trigger this card by sending Homey a GET request.
HTTP request flow cards
Incoming POST Event name
T30 - Trigger this card by sending Homey a POST request. The posted body will be available in the `JSON`-token. This token can be used on cards C80, A80 and A81.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath value Trigger
T80 - Trigger this card with cards A22 and A81 by using the same value in the `trigger`-field.
HTTP request flow cards
JSON object Trigger
T81 - Trigger this card with card A24 by using the same value in the `trigger`-field.


HTTP request flow cards
GET code is  http://url/ 200
C20 - Checks the HTTP response code of a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. Response code.
HTTP request flow cards
GET (query) code is  http://url/ {} 200
C21 - Checks the HTTP response code of a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. Response code.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath is  http://url/ {} JSONpath condition
C22 - Extract and check a specific value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. JSONpath expression; 4. Value for equation.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath is  $. condition
C80 - Extract and check a specific value from the JSON token available on card T30. Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Value for equation.


HTTP request flow cards
DELETE http://url/
A10 - Execute a DELETE request. Parameter: Url.
HTTP request flow cards
GET http://url/
A20 - Execute a GET request. Parameter: Url.
HTTP request flow cards
GET (query) http://url/ {}
A21 - Execute a GET request. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters (For a query like ?a=1&b=zz use `{"a":1,"b":"zz"}`).
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath Better Logic http://url/ JSONpath variable
A22 - Extract a value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response and save this in a Better Logic variable. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSONpath expression; 3. Better Logic variable.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSONpath trigger value http://url/ {} JSONpath Trigger
A23 - Extract a value from a JSON or XML formatted GET response and trigger other flows with this value available as a token (card T80). Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted query parameters; 3. JSONpath expression; 4. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T80.
HTTP request flow cards
GET JSON trigger object http://url/ Trigger
A24 - Trigger other flow with the JSON or XML formatted response of this request. The result will be available as a token in JSON format (card T81). ParametersL 1. Url; 2. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T81.
HTTP request flow cards
POST form http://url/ {}
A30 - Execute a POST with form data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON formatted form data.
HTTP request flow cards
POST JSON http://url/ {}
A31 - Execute a POST with JSON data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON data.
HTTP request flow cards
POST XML http://url/ {}
A32 - Execute a POST with XML data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. XML.
HTTP request flow cards
PUT JSON http://url/ {}
A40 - Execute a PUT with JSON data. Parameters: 1. Url; 2. JSON data.
HTTP request flow cards
WebSocket send ws://url:port/ message
A70 - Open a WebSocket and send data. Parameters: 1. Url including port; 2. Data.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath Better Logic $. variable
A80 - Extract a value from the JSON token available on card T30 and save this in a Better Logic variable. Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Better Logic variable.
HTTP request flow cards
JSONpath for trigger $. trigger for T80
A81 - Extract a value from the JSON token available on card T30 and trigger other flows with this value available as a token (card T80). Parameters: 1. JSONpath expression; 2. Trigger corresponding with trigger value on card T80.
HTTP request flow cards
Depricated geek card {}
A90 - Please don't use this card, it's depricated as HTTP options can be used on every card with a `url` parameter.


이 앱의 개발자는 직접 지원을 제공하지 않습니다.

HTTP request flow cards

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