Denon AVR

Control your Denon AVR with Homey.
Control your Denon AVR with Homey.

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


Denon AVR
Denon AVR
Denon AVR
Il volume è cambiato
Denon AVR
Source changed
Triggers when the device has switched source.
Denon AVR
Source changed to: ...
Triggers when the device has switched to a specific source.


Denon AVR
È attivato
Denon AVR
Powered on (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Selected as source: ...


Denon AVR
Denon AVR
Denon AVR
Attiva o disattiva
Denon AVR
Imposta il volume a %
Denon AVR
Set relative volume %
Change the volume with respect to the device's current volume.
Denon AVR
Alza il volume
Denon AVR
Abbassa il volume
Denon AVR
Disattiva il volume
Denon AVR
Riattiva il volume
Denon AVR
Attiva o disattiva il volume disattivato
Denon AVR
Turn power on (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Power off/standby (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Toggle Power (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Mute/Unmute (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Mute (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Unmute (obsolete card)
Denon AVR
Set relative volume ...dB
Denon AVR
Set volume to ...dB
Denon AVR
Select source: ...
Denon AVR
Send custom command: (e.g. SIDVD or PWON)
Custom commands allow you to specify custom data to send to your Denon device. These are generally uppercase short words like: MVUP, MVDOWN, SIDVD or Z2ON. You can look up commands that your device supports by doing a websearch for '(your_device_series e.g. X1200W) denon telnet protocol'. Denon provides PDF files for a lot of devices. Inside you will find the commands supported by your device. Note that the Denon AVR app will automatically terminate your commands with the required <CR>.


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Versione 1.3.6 — Added fail-safe to avoid app getting unresponsive.

Visualizza il changelog

Denon AVR

Denon AVR non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

Denon AVRverrà installato a breve su Homey.