Google Sheets

Aggiungi a Google Fogli da un flusso.
Aggiungi a Google Fogli da un flusso.

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Schede dei Flow

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Utente di Google Sheets
Append Value to document URL to Document sheet Sheet
The value is appended to the first column. Spread the value to multiple columns by separating with a semicolon (;).
Utente di Google Sheets
Append Value to document URL to Document sheet Sheet with timestamp
The timestamp is appended to the first column. The value is appended to the second column. Spread the value to multiple columns by separating with a semicolon (;).


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Versione 1.3.0 — Added translations.

Visualizza il changelog

Google Sheets

Google Sheets non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

Google Sheetsverrà installato a breve su Homey.