Cette appli n’est pas compatible avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Cette appli est obsolète et nécessite une mise à jour pour fonctionner avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Malheureusement, le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
This app lets you control a Philips TV with Jointspace API from within flows on a Homey device (by Athom).
Used the http request module from Erik van Dongen from his HTTP request flow chart app.
To use this API your philips TV should get a fixed IP adress from your DHCP server or else you will loose connection with your Philips TV.
To check if your philips TV support the Jointspace API you can check in the browser with http://tv-ip-adress:1925
It responds with a link to the API reference like http://tv-ip-adress:1925/tv-device-nr/doc/API.html Both the tv-ip-adress and tv-device-nr are needed to pair your tv.
REMARK: TV on standby doesn’t have the Jointspace API available, so after the Standby command TV can’t be reached anymore.
For Jointspace API reference look at: http://jointspace.sourceforge.net/projectdata/documentation/jasonApi/1/doc/API.html
This app supports
Action cards
Set a TV channel Set the volume Set a TV source Send a input key Mute the TV UnMute the TV Put the TV on Standby
VERSION 0.5.0: - Rewrite according to updated developers documentation at Athom - Added settings for IP-adress and Device Nr so it can be changed afterwards - Added Action Card for sending input keys - Bugfix: fixed the pairing problem and enter the IP-adress and Device Nr
VERSION 0.1.0: - Initial version
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Cartes Flow
Cliquez sur un appareil ci-dessus pour afficher uniquement les cartes Flow associées.
Philips TV
Alterner activé ou désactivé
Philips TV
Set TV to channel Select Philips TV... Select TV Channel
Philips TV
Input Key to TV Select Philips TV... Select Remote Key
Philips TV
Set TV Volume Select Philips TV... Set TV volume
Philips TV
Set TV input source Select Philips TV... Select TV source
Philips TV
Mute TV volume Select Philips TV...
Philips TV
Unmute TV volume Select Philips TV...
Philips TV
Put TV on standby mode Select Philips TV...
Le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.