Logic Home Control

Logic Home Control devices for Homey

Deze app is niet compatibel met Homey Pro (Early 2023).

Deze app is verouderd en vereist een update om op Homey Pro (Early 2023) te kunnen werken. Helaas biedt de ontwikkelaar van deze app geen directe ondersteuning.

Logic Home Control devices for Homey

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Ondersteunde apparaten

Flow kaarten

Klik op een apparaat hierboven om gerelateerde Flow kaarten te zien.


ZHC5002 - Relay
ZHC5002 - Relay
ZHC5002 - Relay
Scene is activated ... ...
This card will trigger on a specific button and scene combination pressed.
ZHC5010 - Relay
ZHC5010 - Relay
ZHC5010 - Relay
Een knop is ingedrukt
Deze kaart wordt geactiveerd bij iedere knop die ingedrukt wordt en biedt de knop en scene tokens aan.
ZHC5010 - Relay
Scene is activated ... ...
This card will trigger on a specific button and scene combination pressed.


ZHC5002 - Relay
Is aan
ZHC5010 - Relay
Is aan


ZHC5002 - Relay
Zet aan
ZHC5002 - Relay
Zet uit
ZHC5002 - Relay
Schakel aan of uit
ZHC5002 - Relay
Set LED level ... %
Set the "indicator LED brightness level" for a specific button. Range: 0 - 100 percentage of brightness. 0 = indicator LED switched OFF
ZHC5002 - Relay
Set LED flash ... % On/Off period (seconds) On/Off cycles
Set the "indicator LED flashing conditions" for a specific button. Level Range: 0 - 100 percentage of brightness. 0 = indicator LED switched OFF On/Off period: Range: 0.1 - 25.5 seconds On/Off cycles: Range: 0 - 255, 0 = off, 255 = forever
ZHC5002 - Relay
Turn off LED / Stop flashing ...
Stop the "indicator LED flashing conditions" for a specific button.
ZHC5010 - Relay
Zet aan
ZHC5010 - Relay
Zet uit
ZHC5010 - Relay
Schakel aan of uit
ZHC5010 - Relay
Set LED level ... %
Set the "indicator LED brightness level" for a specific button. Range: 0 - 100 percentage of brightness. 0 = indicator LED switched OFF
ZHC5010 - Relay
Set LED flash ... % On/Off period (seconds) On/Off cycles
Set the "indicator LED flashing conditions" for a specific button. Level Range: 0 - 100 percentage of brightness. 0 = indicator LED switched OFF On/Off period: Range: 0.1 - 25.5 seconds On/Off cycles: Range: 0 - 255, 0 = off, 255 = forever
ZHC5010 - Relay
Turn off LED / Stop flashing ...
Stop the "indicator LED flashing conditions" for a specific button.


De ontwikkelaar van deze app biedt geen directe ondersteuning.

Logic Home Control

Logic Home Control is niet compatibel met de geselecteerde Homey

Logic Home Control wordt op Homey geïnstalleerd.
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