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Weather Forecast from SMHI

Weather information and prognoses for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland
Weather information and prognoses for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland

자세히 읽기 ›

지원되는 디바이스

Flow 카드

위의 디바이스를 클릭하면 관련 Flow 카드만 표시됩니다.


Weather Forecast from SMHI
Weather change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Air temperature change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Precipitation situation change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind speed change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind direction change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Relative humidity change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Air pressure change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Thunderstorm probability change
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Cloud cover change


Weather Forecast from SMHI
There will be precipitation within the next Hours hours?
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Weather situation is ...
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Air temperature is above ... degree(s)
Air temperature in °C
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind speed is above ... m/s
Wind speed in m/s.
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind direction is above ... degree(s)
Compass wind direction in degrees
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind direction heading is ...
Compass wind direction
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Relative humidity is above ...%
Relative humidity in %
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Air pressure is above ... hPa
Air pressure in hPa
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Thunder probability is above ...%
Thunder probability in %
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Total cloud cover is above ... octas
Total cloud cover in octas (0-8)
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Low cloud cover is ... octas
Cloud cover 0-2500 meters, in octas (0-8)
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Medium cloud cover is ... octas
Cloud cover 2500-6000 meters, in octas (0-8)
Weather Forecast from SMHI
High cloud cover is ... octas
Cloud cover above 6000 meters, in octas (0-8)
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Wind gust speed is ... m/s
Wind gust speed in m/s
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Horizontal visibility is ... km
Horizontal visibility in km
Weather Forecast from SMHI
There will be ...
Will there be precipitation?
Weather Forecast from SMHI
Mean precipitation intensity is above ... mm/h
Precipitation in mm/h


이 앱의 개발자는 직접 지원을 제공하지 않습니다.

새로운 기능

버전 0.6.4 — Added retry to the SMHI Data fetch functionality to mitigate events where incorrect data is shown due to SMHI API not responding. BREAKING CHANGE: Wind direction corrected! Check your flows!

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Weather Forecast from SMHI

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