Connect every Modbus devices

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Modbus Device
Connect device
Connect a device if needed. The connection can be disconnected by a flow action.
Modbus Device
Disconnect device
Disconnect a device if needed.
Modbus Device
Read Holding Register Register with size Size for type STRING or BYTE of type Type with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Device
Read Coil Register Register with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Device
Read Discrete Input Register Register with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Device
Read Input Register Register with size Size for type STRING or BYTE of type Type with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Device
Write Holding Register Register with value Value of type Type with addressing Addressing in Mode
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Device
Write Coil Register Register with value Value with addressing Addressing in Mode
Writes a Coil-Modbus register of a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Read Holding Register Register with size Size for type STRING or BYTE of type Type with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Read Coil Register Register with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Read Discrete Input Register Register with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Read Input Register Register with size Size for type STRING or BYTE of type Type with addressing Addressing
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Write Holding Register Register with value Value of type Type with addressing Addressing in Mode
Reads a Modbus register from a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.
Modbus Slave-Device
Write Coil Register Register with value Value with addressing Addressing in Mode
Writes a Coil-Modbus register of a Modbus device. Depending on the manufacturer documentation, register values (starting with #1) or address values (starting with #0) can be used. Choose the appropriate addressing.


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Version 0.9.4 — Fix for connect error in settings view.

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Modbus n’est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

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