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Easy Logger

Logging and Data Collection Done Easy with Google API's
Logging and Data Collection Done Easy with Google API's

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Cartes Flow


Easy Logger
when queuesize has changed


Easy Logger
Append multicell items in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and range-name a sheet-id to append to with delimited values delimited-data
Easy Logger
Create a sheet named put a sheet name her in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id
Easy Logger
Remove all entries in the queue
Easy Logger
Insert multicell items in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and sheet-id a sheet-id to append to at row-nbr the row-nbr to insert data at, column-nbr the column-nbr to insert data at with delimited values delimited-data
Easy Logger
Set a cell in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id with cell-name of put a cell name (ex: 'sheet1!A1') and delimited data delimited-data
Easy Logger
Update multicell in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and sheet a sheet-id to update at row-nbr the row-nbr to update data at, column-nbr the column-nbr to update data at with delimited values delimited-data


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Version 1.9.6 — @Processed value will be replaced with the timestamp of when the action card actually was processed.

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Easy Logger

Easy Logger n'est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

Easy Logger va s'installer sur Homey dans un instant.