Cette appli n’est pas compatible avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Cette appli est obsolète et nécessite une mise à jour pour fonctionner avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Malheureusement, le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
[Express Controls Logo]
Includes the following device(s):
- EZ Motion+ 3 in 1
I have created an app for Express Controls Devices.
Right now I have the EZ-MOTION+ 3 IN 1 Device working
[EZ Motion + 3 in 1]
Visit the Discussion Forum
03 May 2017 - 0.0.5 - First Commit to Github
Future Development:
Next on the list is
- Flow Cards
- Mobile Cards
- Then other devices by Express Controls
Please note that JILLES MIEDEMA started developing an app for the HMS100 by HomeSeer. That app wasn’t fully compatible with the original EXPRESS CONTROLS EZ- MOTION 3 IN 1. It only included basic motion detection. It doesnt support the LUX nor the Temp.. He did however pull together all of the settings for this device. He is developing the app according the needs of the HMS100.
EXPRESS CONTROLS make other hardware that I will also add later. This is important because they are developing some interesting development boards and devices.
With that in mind, I decide it was better to create a new app for the actual manufacturer and have complete functionality of the device. I used his code as a base to understand the development. Then from there created new files with all of the excess trimmed and cleaned up.