In these Behind the Magic series, we give an overview of what we worked on the month before. Please be warned that the contents might get a little technical now and then.
August was a slow month, where part of our team has been enjoying a well-earned holiday.
Admittedly, we haven't released much new as you might've come used to. But don't worry, we've got a lot amazing things under construction.
Firstly, we've been working on Homey v3.0. Very soon we'll announce what the update entails. I can already tell you it's big.

Secondly, our new website is under active development. It's not only a new marketing website, but also a portal for existing Homey users.
The app store will become a part of it, with much better integration with the products apps work with.
Share a Flow will become available soon after as well. Finally you can share your most creative and fun ideas with others by simply tapping share.
You will soon be able to enjoy this new website with all of its features!

Lastly, we've also been investing more in creating a brand that fits Homey. Below you can see a brand new way Homey can be found in retail stores. We'll be rolling this out over the coming months across the world.

— Emile