This app is not compatible with Homey Pro (Early 2023).
This app is outdated and requires an update to work on Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Unfortunately, the developer of this app does not offer direct support.
This app tells you the latest news Source: Huffington Post
- Based on the Tweakers-app
- American Newsfeed
- Doesnât work through the phone-app (yet)
The huffpo app is not made by Huffington Post. The app is made without commercial intentions. This app is merely a shell for the available RSS feeds.
Bugs / Feature requests
- Please submit bugs or feature requests at the github page of the Huffpo Homey app or at the app topic at the Athom forum
Supported languages / Ondersteunende talen:
- English App is only available in the English language because itâs an app for an English website Will be extended once we can choose output-language for speech-items
Available Newsfeeds:
- World News
- Business
- Entertainment
- Sports
- Books
- Green
Flow Triggers:
Huffington Post RSS News is available with the following categories and triggers: Trigger: Checks every 5 minutes if there are new publications available Action: Reads âxâ Newsitems from source âyâ and lets you choose between âTitleâ or âTitle and descriptionâ
Upcoming features :
- Speech-input for requests
- Selecting categories for each RSS to narrow down the selection
- Settings page
- Doesnât work through the phone-app (yet)
- Tell more about item xxx
Release notes:
Version 0.9.3 - extended app-page
Version 0.9 - rewritten version
- based on the Tweakers-app
- News as a trigger
- omitted speech-trigger for now
- changed from nl.sasteren to com.sasteren
Version 0.2 - included upstream changes
- Based on the NOS feed / App
- American Newsfeed
- include body text
- break at end of line if too long
- replace abbreviations
Flow cards
Huffington Post World News
Huffington Post Business News
Huffington Post Entertainment
Huffington Post Sports News
Huffington Post Books News
Huffington Post Green News
Read articles Channel 1...20 ...
The developer of this app does not offer direct support.