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Insight Trends Reloaded

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Get more out of your Insights

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Insight Trends Reloaded
When the percentile calculation for Insight has finished
Use the 'Calculate percentile' THEN Card to trigger this card.
Insight Trends Reloaded
When the trend calculation for Insight has finished
Use the 'Calculate trend' THEN Card to trigger this card.


Insight Trends Reloaded
Check if Characteristic is Operator Value for the past Time range Time unit on Insight
Insight Trends Reloaded
Check if Percent of the values of Insight are Operator Value for the past Time range Time unit


Insight Trends Reloaded
Calculate percentage for Insight in time period Time range Time unit. If the value Operator as Value.
Insight Trends Reloaded
Calculate percentile of Percent for Insight based on the last Time range Time unit
To use the results you need to use the 'Percentile calculated'-WHEN card. Passing in 50% as an argument will return the median, while 25% and 75% will return the first and third quartiles respectively.
Insight Trends Reloaded
Calculate percentile of Percent for Insight based on the last Time range Time unit
To use the results you need to use the 'Percentile calculated'-WHEN card. Passing in 50% as an argument will return the median, while 25% and 75% will return the first and third quartiles respectively.
Insight Trends Reloaded
Calculate trend for Insight based on the last Time range Time unit
To use the results you need to use the 'Trend calculated'-WHEN card.
Insight Trends Reloaded
Calculate trend for Insight based on the last Time range Time unit
To use the results you need to use the 'Trend calculated'-WHEN card.


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Hvad er nyt

Version 1.5.5 — Bug fixes

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Insight Trends Reloaded

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