Location and Presence

Advanced Location and Presence detection for Homey by using geofencing (home, work, school).
Advanced Location and Presence detection for Homey by using geofencing (home, work, school).

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Location and Presence
Receive trigger when Username enters or leaves Geofence name
Location and Presence
Trigger when Username enters Geofence name
Location and Presence
Trigger when Username leaves Geofence name
Location and Presence
Trigger when battery percentage of device Devicename from Username is below Battery percentage


Location and Presence
Someone present in Name of geoFence


Location and Presence
Tell the current location of User
Location and Presence
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Utvecklaren av den här appen erbjuder ingen direktsupport.

Vad är nytt?

Version 3.0.3 — remove markdown from readme.txt

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Location and Presence

Location and Presence är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Location and Presence installeras på Homey inom kort.