Image Grabber

Input the URL to an image to grab it as a Homey image token. You can use this token, for example, with the Telegram app or email-sender app
Input the URL to an image to grab it as a Homey image token. You can use this token, for example, with the Telegram app or email-sender app

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Image Grabber
An image is grabbed


Image Grabber
Gran image URL
Image Grabber
Grab password protected image URL with username User and password Pass (...))


Utvecklaren av den här appen erbjuder ingen direktsupport.

Vad är nytt?

Version 1.0.0 — SDK v3 version

Visa ändringslogg

Image Grabber

Image Grabber är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Image Grabber installeras på Homey inom kort.