Norwegian Electricity Bill

Calculate electricity and grid costs
Calculate electricity and grid costs

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Flow kaarten

Klik op een apparaat hierboven om gerelateerde Flow kaarten te zien.


Electricity Bill
New level for grid capacity
Triggers when a new level for grid capacity has been reached.
Electricity Bill
Grid price incl. taxes changed
Triggers when the grid price incl. taxes and surcharges changes.
Electricity Bill
Electricity price changed
Triggers when the electricity price changes.
Electricity Bill
Electricity price incl. taxes changed
Triggers when the electricity price incl. taxes and surcharges changes.
Electricity Bill
Sum electricity and grid price changed
Triggers when the sum of electricity and grid price changes.


Electricity Bill
Is current grid price incl. taxes below price NOK/kWh
Condition to check if the current grid price incl. taxes is below or above a specific value.
Electricity Bill
Is current electricity price incl. taxes below price NOK/kWh
Condition to check if the current electricity price incl. taxes and surcharges is below or above a specific value.
Electricity Bill
Is current cost below Current cost NOK/h
Condition to check if the current cost is below or above a specific value.
Electricity Bill Component
Is current cost below Current cost NOK/h
Condition to check if the current cost is below or above a specific value.


Electricity Bill
Fetch hours with highest consumption and other data
Use this card to fetch the three hours with highest consumption and other data such as prices and device settings.
Electricity Bill
Reset power meter
Reset the accumulated power usage (kWh).
Electricity Bill
Reset all values
NB! This will reset all accumulated values.
Electricity Bill
Update grid capacity settings to 0-2 kW, 2-5 kW, 5-10 kW, 10-15 kW, 15-20 kW, 20-25 kW
Update grid capacity settings.
Electricity Bill
Update grid energy settings to Day, Night and weekends, Low price weekends
Update grid energy settings.
Electricity Bill
Update electricity costs settings to Formula for electricity price, Fixed monthly electricity cost
Update electricity costs settings.
Electricity Bill
Update consumption with Power Unit
Update with the power (W) from a power meter. Use this flow or the 'Update energy with X kWh' action card, but not both.
Electricity Bill
Update energy with Energy (kWh) kWh
Update with the energy (kWh) from a power meter. Use this flow or the 'Update consumption with X W' action card, but not both.
Electricity Bill
Update price with Price incl. taxes and surcharges (kr/kWh)
Update with the price from a price source.
Electricity Bill Component
Reset power meter
Reset the accumulated power usage (kWh).
Electricity Bill Component
Reset all values
NB! This will reset all accumulated values.
Electricity Bill Component
Update consumption with Power Unit
Update with the power (W) from a power meter. Use this flow or the 'Update energy with X kWh' action card, but not both.
Electricity Bill Component
Update energy with Energy (kWh) kWh
Update with the energy (kWh) from a power meter. Use this flow or the 'Update consumption with X W' action card, but not both.


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Wat is nieuw

Versie 1.11.0 — Updated dependencies.

Bekijk changelog

Norwegian Electricity Bill

Norwegian Electricity Bill is niet compatibel met de geselecteerde Homey

Norwegian Electricity Bill wordt op Homey geïnstalleerd.
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