This app allows you to control your Plejd devices directly from Homey, no extra gateway is needed.
It uses an unsupported method for communication using bluetooth.
Supported features:
- Toggle state on/off/dim
- Instant state change
- Syncing Plejd internal clock
- Plejd buttons (single click only)
- Listen for Plejd scenes (can be used for double click, see below)
Make sure you have your username and password saved in the Plejd app settings so that the app is able to fetch available scenes from your Plejd setup.
Scenes can be used to create flows triggered by double-click.
- First, create a scene in the Plejd iOS/Android app and give it a name, e.g., for the button it will be used for (kitchen button 1).
- To be able to save the scene, you must toggle a state in your Plejd mesh. You can either choose a device and state that you want to change or use a Plejd device, e.g., a SPR-01, that is dedicated to scenes and not used for anything else.
- Once the scene is saved, you can connect it to a button that will trigger the scene on double-click.
- Now, go to your Homey app, create a scene, choose the scene trigger card from this app, and select your Plejd scene from the list.
For support please use the official support topic on the forum below.
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