This app wil give you (currently) the Dutch Official holidays and some unofficial. The idea is to extend this with other countries as well.
Dutch Holidays Card
- NewYears Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Day
- Easter Monday
- King's Birthday
- Remembrance Day
- Liberation Day
- Carnaval
- Ascension Day
- Whit Sunday
- Whit Monday
- Sinterklaas
- St Nicholas' Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- Second Day of Christmas
- New Year's Eve
- Mothers Day
- Fathers Day
- Animal Day
- Valentin Day
- Start Summer Time
- Start Winter Time
on every item above you can compare with the following Conditions:
- Later than today
- Before today
- Later than today or today
- Before today or today
- Equal to Today
- Not Equal to today
Leap Year Card
This card is to detect if current year is a leap year or not.
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