Cette appli n’est pas compatible avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Cette appli est obsolète et nécessite une mise à jour pour fonctionner avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Malheureusement, le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
# Roomba
This app adds support for the Roomba vacuum cleaners to Homey.
While the only officially supported device is the Roomba 980, the app seems to work with quite a lot of other Roomba vacuumcleaners.
Supported functionality:
* Starting or stopping the Roomba
* Sending the Roomba to the dock
* Checking the battery status
* Checking the current cleaning activity
* Checking the state of the bin
* Checking the state of the watertank
Unsupported functionality:
* Spot cleaning: the Roomba only supports Spot Cleaning by pressing the button.
It is not possible to remotely start Spot Cleaning.
Future support wishes:
* Getting cleaning scheme insights as card trigger
* Adding support for smart cleaning (only map part a, b, c)
* Trigger cleaning based on conditions
## Version history
* 3.0.0: Updated code base added wider support of roomba's (untested multiple devices only tested the 960 and 980), added the braava m6
* 2.0.4: Updated code base
* 2.0.3: Fixed a bug which could result in not discovering a Roomba
* 2.0.2: Fixed memory leak caused by reconnection logic
* 2.0.1: Added debouncing logic to Roomba state reports, this should fix issues where the Roomba looped through all states in Homey.
* 2.0.0: Restructure of the application, this should improve overall stability
* 1.0.4: Updated compatibility value to ensure compatibility with future Homey updates
* 1.0.1: Added support for multiple Roombas, fixed some bugs.
* 1.0.0: Initial release