Cette appli n’est pas compatible avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Cette appli est obsolète et nécessite une mise à jour pour fonctionner avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Malheureusement, le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
The Countdown timers app for Athom's Homey provides hourglass-like timer cards in your Flows.
- A specific timer has started
- A specific timer has stopped
- A timer started
- A timer stopped
- A specific timer is active / inactive
- Start / update a timer
- Pause a timer
- Resume a timer
- Stop a timer
- Stop all timers
Want to help? Awesome!
Just make a fork, clone it and start contributing.
We use Husky for a pre-commit Unit Test hook, so make sure to run `npm install` after your `git clone` so all depencies get installed and set. Need help? Scroll down to the `Contact` part of this readme.
- Write MORE tests
- Mock Homey npm module
- Add adding or substracting a fixed or random number of seconds
Have a question or a bug report? Please file an issue on the Github repo.
You can also hit us up on Athom's Slack community at @jeroenbos22 or @milanzor, see you there!
The Countdown timers app is inspired by the original CountDown timer app by Ralf van Dooren.
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Cartes Flow
Countdown timers
Specific timer started (deprecated) Timername
Countdown timers
Specific timer started Timername
Countdown timers
Specific timer finished (deprecated) Timername
Countdown timers
Specific timer finished Timername
Countdown timers
A timer has started
Countdown timers
A timer has finished
Countdown timers
A timer is running (deprecated) Timername
Countdown timers
A timer is running Timername
Countdown timers
Start / update a timer Timername seconds
Countdown timers
Start / update an existing timer Timername seconds
Countdown timers
Stop a timer (deprecated) Timer name
Countdown timers
Stop a timer Timer name
Countdown timers
Stop all timers
Countdown timers
Show a timer on ledring Timer name
Countdown timers
Stop ledring animation
Countdown timers
Pause a timer Timer name
Countdown timers
Resume a timer Timer name
Countdown timers
Pause/resume a timer Timer name
Le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
Version 1.3.0 — Added pause / resume cards + bug fixes
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