Gain wireless control of your home, keep your family safe, and become more energy aware with wide range of frient devices.
Connect your frient devices with Homey and start living the smart life.
Use the frient sensors and alarms to monitor and control your home. Keep track of your energy consumption and turn on/off your electrical appliances with the smart plug or the smart cable.
Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.
Air Quality Sensor
The temperature changes
Air Quality Sensor
The humidity changed
Air Quality Sensor
The battery alarm turned on
Air Quality Sensor
The battery alarm turned off
Air Quality Sensor
The VOC alarm turned off
Air Quality Sensor
The VOC alarm turned on
Air Quality Sensor
Air Quality Level has changed
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The temperature changes
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The contact alarm turned on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The contact alarm turned off
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The tamper alarm turned on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The tamper alarm turned off
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The battery alarm turned on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The battery alarm turned off
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The temperature changes
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The luminance changed
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The motion alarm turned on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The motion alarm turned off
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The tamper alarm turned on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The tamper alarm turned off
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The battery alarm turned on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The battery alarm turned off
Electricity Meter Interface
The power meter changed
Electricity Meter Interface
The power changed
Electricity Meter Interface
The battery alarm turned on
Electricity Meter Interface
The battery alarm turned off
Electricity Meter Interface
The generic alarm turned on
Electricity Meter Interface
The generic alarm turned off
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The power meter changed
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The power changed
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The battery alarm turned on
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The battery alarm turned off
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The generic alarm turned on
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The generic alarm turned off
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
The power changed
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Energy Consumed updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Energy Produced updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Power Phase A updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Current Phase A updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Voltage Phase A updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Power Phase B updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Current Phase B updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Voltage Phase B updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Power Phase C updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Current Phase C updated
Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1
Voltage Phase C updated
EMI Norwegian HAN
The power changed
EMI Norwegian HAN
The generic alarm turned on
EMI Norwegian HAN
The generic alarm turned off
EMI Norwegian HAN
Energy Consumed updated
EMI Norwegian HAN
Energy Produced updated
Entry Sensor
The contact alarm turned on
Entry Sensor
The contact alarm turned off
Entry Sensor
The battery alarm turned on
Entry Sensor
The battery alarm turned off
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The temperature changes
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The contact alarm turned on
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The contact alarm turned off
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The battery alarm turned on
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The battery alarm turned off
Entry Sensor Pro
The temperature changes
Entry Sensor Pro
The contact alarm turned on
Entry Sensor Pro
The contact alarm turned off
Entry Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm turned on
Entry Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm turned off
Entry Sensor Pro
The battery alarm turned on
Entry Sensor Pro
The battery alarm turned off
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The temperature changes
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The heat alarm turned on
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The heat alarm turned off
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The battery alarm turned on
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The battery alarm turned off
Intelligent Keypad
The battery alarm turned on
Intelligent Keypad
The battery alarm turned off
Intelligent Keypad
The tamper alarm turned on
Intelligent Keypad
The tamper alarm turned off
Intelligent Keypad
Emergency alarm (SOS) turned on
Intelligent Keypad
The alarm state changed to Alarm state (local)
This card will only trigger a state change when the Keypad is used in local mode. When using in Heimdall mode, please use the Heimdall flow cards
Intelligent Keypad
Entry validationMethod is entered (local)
This card will trigger only trigger keypad entry validation when the Keypad is used in local mode. When using in Heimdall mode, please use the Heimdall flow cards
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The temperature changes
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm turned on
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm turned off
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The battery alarm turned on
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The battery alarm turned off
IO Module
Input 1 is active
IO Module
Input 1 is inactive
IO Module
Input 2 is active
IO Module
Input 2 is inactive
IO Module
Input 3 is active
IO Module
Input 3 is inactive
IO Module
Input 4 is active
IO Module
Input 4 is inactive
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Sensor
The battery alarm turned on
Motion Sensor
The battery alarm turned off
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The temperature changes
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The luminance changed
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The battery alarm turned on
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The battery alarm turned off
Motion Sensor Pro
The temperature changes
Motion Sensor Pro
The luminance changed
Motion Sensor Pro
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Sensor Pro
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm turned on
Motion Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm turned off
Motion Sensor Pro
The battery alarm turned on
Motion Sensor Pro
The battery alarm turned off
Panic Button
The generic alarm turned on
Panic Button
The generic alarm turned off
Panic Button
The battery alarm turned on
Panic Button
The battery alarm turned off
Panic Button
Panic alarm turned on.
This card will trigger when the panic alarm turns on.
Panic Button
Panic alarm turned off.
This card will trigger when the panic alarm turns off.
Smart Button
The battery alarm turned on
Smart Button
The battery alarm turned off
Smart Button
Button is pressed.
This card will trigger when the button has been pressed.
Smart Button
Button released.
This card will trigger when the button has been released.
Smart Button
Toggle the state
This card will trigger when the button has been pressed.
Smart Cable
Turned on
Smart Cable
Turned off
Smart Cable
The power meter changed
Smart Cable
The power changed
Smart Cable
The voltage changed
Smart Cable
The electric current changed
Smart Cable 2
Turned on
Smart Cable 2
Turned off
Smart Cable 2
The power meter changed
Smart Cable 2
The power changed
Smart Cable 2
The voltage changed
Smart Cable 2
The electric current changed
Smart DIN Relay
Turned on
Smart DIN Relay
Turned off
Smart DIN Relay
The power meter changed
Smart DIN Relay
The power changed
Smart DIN Relay
The voltage changed
Smart DIN Relay
The electric current changed
Smart DIN Relay 2
Turned on
Smart DIN Relay 2
Turned off
Smart DIN Relay 2
The power meter changed
Smart DIN Relay 2
The power changed
Smart DIN Relay 2
The voltage changed
Smart DIN Relay 2
The electric current changed
Smart Humidity Sensor
The temperature changes
Smart Humidity Sensor
The humidity changed
Smart Humidity Sensor
The battery alarm turned on
Smart Humidity Sensor
The battery alarm turned off
Smart Plug Mini
Turned on
Smart Plug Mini
Turned off
Smart Plug Mini
The power meter changed
Smart Plug Mini
The power changed
Smart Plug Mini
The voltage changed
Smart Plug Mini
The electric current changed
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Turned on
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Turned off
Smart Plug Mini (British)
The power meter changed
Smart Plug Mini (British)
The power changed
Smart Plug Mini (British)
The voltage changed
Smart Plug Mini (British)
The electric current changed
Smart Siren
The battery alarm turned on
Smart Siren
The battery alarm turned off
Smart Siren
The tamper alarm turned on
Smart Siren
The tamper alarm turned off
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The temperature changes
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The smoke alarm turned on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The smoke alarm turned off
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The CO alarm turned on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The CO alarm turned off
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The tamper alarm turned on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The tamper alarm turned off
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The battery alarm turned on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The battery alarm turned off
Vibration Sensor
The vibration alarm turned on
Vibration Sensor
The vibration alarm turned off
Vibration Sensor
The temperature changes
Vibration Sensor
The battery alarm turned on
Vibration Sensor
The battery alarm turned off
Vibration Sensor
Movement alarm turned off
Vibration Sensor
Movement alarm turned on
Vibration Sensor
Vibration alarm turned off
Vibration Sensor
Vibration alarm turned on
Vibration Sensor
Acceleration X has changed
Vibration Sensor
Acceleration Y has changed
Vibration Sensor
Acceleration Z has changed
Water Leak Detector
The temperature changes
Water Leak Detector
The water alarm turned on
Water Leak Detector
The water alarm turned off
Water Leak Detector
The battery alarm turned on
Water Leak Detector
The battery alarm turned off
Zigbee Range Extender
The battery alarm turned on
Zigbee Range Extender
The battery alarm turned off
Zigbee Range Extender
AC/Mains alarm becomes active
Zigbee Range Extender
AC/Mains alarm becomes inactive
Air Quality Sensor
The battery alarm is on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The contact alarm is on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The tamper alarm is on
Alarm Entry Sensor 2
The battery alarm is on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The motion alarm is on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The tamper alarm is on
Alarm Motion Sensor 2
The battery alarm is on
Electricity Meter Interface
The battery alarm is on
Electricity Meter Interface
The generic alarm is on
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The battery alarm is on
Electricity Meter Interface 2
The generic alarm is on
EMI Norwegian HAN
The generic alarm is on
Entry Sensor
The contact alarm is on
Entry Sensor
The battery alarm is on
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The contact alarm is on
Entry Sensor 2 Pro
The battery alarm is on
Entry Sensor Pro
The contact alarm is on
Entry Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm is on
Entry Sensor Pro
The battery alarm is on
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The heat alarm is on
Intelligent Heat Alarm
The battery alarm is on
Intelligent Keypad
The battery alarm is on
Intelligent Keypad
The tamper alarm is on
Intelligent Keypad
Alarm state is Alarm state (local)
This card will only validate a state when the Keypad is used in local mode. When using in Heimdall mode, please use the Heimdall flow cards
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm is on
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
The battery alarm is on
IO Module
Input 1 is activate
IO Module
Input 2 is activate
IO Module
Input 3 is activate
IO Module
Input 4 is activate
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm is on
Motion Sensor
The battery alarm is on
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The motion alarm is on
Motion Sensor 2 PET
The battery alarm is on
Motion Sensor Pro
The motion alarm is on
Motion Sensor Pro
The tamper alarm is on
Motion Sensor Pro
The battery alarm is on
Panic Button
The generic alarm is on
Panic Button
The battery alarm is on
Panic Button
Panic alarm is triggered.
Checks if the panic alarm is currently triggered.
Smart Button
The battery alarm is on
Smart Button
Button is pressed.
Checks if the button is currently pressed.
Smart Cable
Is turned on
Smart Cable 2
Is turned on
Smart DIN Relay
Is turned on
Smart DIN Relay 2
Is turned on
Smart Humidity Sensor
The battery alarm is on
Smart Plug Mini
Is turned on
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Is turned on
Smart Siren
The battery alarm is on
Smart Siren
The tamper alarm is on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The smoke alarm is on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The CO alarm is on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The tamper alarm is on
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
The battery alarm is on
Vibration Sensor
The vibration alarm is on
Vibration Sensor
The battery alarm is on
Vibration Sensor
Movement alarm is active
Vibration Sensor
Vibration alarm is active
Water Leak Detector
The water alarm is on
Water Leak Detector
The battery alarm is on
Zigbee Range Extender
The battery alarm is on
Intelligent Heat Alarm
Start warning for duration of DurationTime unit
Intelligent Heat Alarm
Stop warning directly
This action card can only be used to stop a warning started by Homey. For safety reasons it can not be used to silence a real smoke / heat / water leakage alarm.
Intelligent Keypad
Trigger alarm (local)
This card will only trigger the alarm state when the Keypad is used in local mode. When using in Heimdall mode, please use the Heimdall flow cards
Intelligent Keypad
Set alarm mode to Alarm state (local)
Use this card to set the alarm mode (in local operation) to the specified mode
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
Start warning for duration of DurationTime unit
Intelligent Smoke Alarm
Stop warning directly
This action card can only be used to stop a warning started by Homey. For safety reasons it can not be used to silence a real smoke / heat / water leakage alarm.
Smart Cable
Turn on
Smart Cable
Turn off
Smart Cable
Toggle on or off
Smart Cable 2
Turn on
Smart Cable 2
Turn off
Smart Cable 2
Toggle on or off
Smart DIN Relay
Turn on
Smart DIN Relay
Turn off
Smart DIN Relay
Toggle on or off
Smart DIN Relay 2
Turn on
Smart DIN Relay 2
Turn off
Smart DIN Relay 2
Toggle on or off
Smart Plug Mini
Turn on
Smart Plug Mini
Turn off
Smart Plug Mini
Toggle on or off
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Turn on
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Turn off
Smart Plug Mini (British)
Toggle on or off
Smart Siren
Start The type of warning warning with The level of warning sound sound level for duration of DurationTime unit
Smart Siren
Stop warning directly
Smart Siren
Start The type of squawk sound squawk with The level of squawk sound sound level
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
Start warning for duration of DurationTime unit
Smart Smoke & CO Alarm
Stop warning directly
This action card can only be used to stop a warning started by Homey. For safety reasons it can not be used to silence a real smoke / heat / water leakage alarm.
Water Leak Detector
Start warning for duration of DurationTime unit
Water Leak Detector
Stop warning directly
This action card can only be used to stop a warning started by Homey. For safety reasons it can not be used to silence a real smoke / heat / water leakage alarm.
Having an issue with this app?
Contact the developer by sending an e-mail.
What’s new
Version 2.6.1 — Add support for the Smart Smoke & CO Alarm (SCAZB-14x). Fix Homey energy for the energy meters and device battery type indication for the battery powered devices