What's new in Homey v7.0
We’ve just released Homey v7.0, a major update with support for Z-Wave S2. Most likely, your Homey has already updated itself. Let’s dive in, and see what’s new!

Z-Wave S2
Z-Wave S2 (Security V2) is the latest & greatest standard in encryption for Z-Wave devices. Not only is it more secure, it's also twice as fast as the previous-generation Z-Wave security standard.
Homey now automatically utilises Z-Wave S2 when pairing a new device that also supports Z-Wave S2. Homey will automatically use the best security available, and show a 5-digit code screen when needed. This is what makes the encryption so strong; a possible attacker cannot know the pincode printed on the device, because it's never wirelessly transmitted!
Stability Improvements
With more than 15 issues solved, this update is a great improvement for daily usage & stability. Interested in what specifically? Read the release notes here »