Make Your Home Smart

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


4 in 1 Door Sensor
The contact alarm turned on
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The contact alarm turned off
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The tamper alarm turned on
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The tamper alarm turned off
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The temperature changes
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The humidity changed
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The luminance changed
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The battery level changed
Turned on
Turned off
The dim level changed
Door/window sensor
The contact alarm turned on
Door/window sensor
The contact alarm turned off
Door/window sensor
The tamper alarm turned on
Door/window sensor
The tamper alarm turned off
Door/window sensor (NE-NAS-DS01Z.EU)
The contact alarm turned on
Door/window sensor (NE-NAS-DS01Z.EU)
The contact alarm turned off
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm turned on
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm turned off
Indoor siren
Turned on
Indoor siren
Turned off
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm turned on
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm turned off
Indoor siren
Turned on
Indoor siren
Turned off
Mini energy dimmer
Turned on
Mini energy dimmer
Turned off
Mini energy dimmer
The dim level changed
Mini RFID keypad
The battery level changed
Mini RFID keypad
The tamper alarm turned on
Mini RFID keypad
The tamper alarm turned off
Mini RFID keypad
The state changed ...
Mini RFID keypad
Scene activated
Triggered when a user presses numbers without pressing home/away first. Please note that trying to trigger multiple scenes after each other without an home/away event screws up the tag reader in sending some random scene numbers somehow.
Mini RFID keypad
User is away
Triggered when a user presses the away button of this tag reader and presents a valid code / tag.
Mini RFID keypad
User is home
Triggered when a user presses the home button of this tag reader and enters a valid code / presents a valid tag.
Mini RFID keypad
System armed
Triggered when a user presses the away button on a tag reader and presents a valid code / tag.
Mini RFID keypad
System disarmed
Triggered when a user presses the home button on a tag reader and presents a valid code / tag.
Mini RFID keypad
Usercode is unknown
Triggered when an unknown tag is used or an invalid code was entered.
Multisensor 4 in 1
The contact alarm turned on
Multisensor 4 in 1
The contact alarm turned off
Multisensor 4 in 1
The tamper alarm turned on
Multisensor 4 in 1
The tamper alarm turned off
Multisensor 4 in 1
The temperature changes
Multisensor 4 in 1
The humidity changed
Multisensor 4 in 1
The luminance changed
Multisensor 4 in 1
The battery level changed
Multisensor duo
The motion alarm turned on
Multisensor duo
The motion alarm turned off
Multisensor duo
The tamper alarm turned on
Multisensor duo
The tamper alarm turned off
Multisensor duo
The temperature changes
Multisensor duo
The battery level changed
PIR motion sensor
The motion alarm turned on
PIR motion sensor
The motion alarm turned off
PIR motion sensor
The luminance changed
PIR motion sensor
The battery level changed
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The motion alarm turned on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The motion alarm turned off
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The contact alarm turned on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The contact alarm turned off
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The tamper alarm turned on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The tamper alarm turned off
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The temperature changes
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The luminance changed
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The battery level changed
The battery level changed
Emergency alarm activated
Triggered when a user presses emergency alarm button.
Button (...) is pressed
Button (...) long-press is started
Button (...) long-press is ended
RGBW bulb
Turned on
RGBW bulb
Turned off
RGBW bulb
The dim level changed
Smart carbon monoxide sensor
The CO alarm turned on
Smart carbon monoxide sensor
The CO alarm turned off
Smart carbon monoxide sensor
The battery level changed
Smart energy plug-in switch
Turned on
Smart energy plug-in switch
Turned off
Smart energy plug-in switch
The power changed
Smart energy plug-in switch
The power meter changed
Smart smoke sensor
The smoke alarm turned on
Smart smoke sensor
The smoke alarm turned off
Smart smoke sensor
The battery level changed
Smart water leakage sensor
The water alarm turned on
Smart water leakage sensor
The water alarm turned off
Smart water leakage sensor
The battery level changed
Smart water leakage sensor
The tamper alarm turned on
Smart water leakage sensor
The tamper alarm turned off
Switch double
Turned on
Switch double
Turned off
Switch double
The power changed
Switch double
The power meter changed
Valve controller
Turned on
Valve controller
Turned off


4 in 1 Door Sensor
The contact alarm is on
4 in 1 Door Sensor
The tamper alarm is on
Is turned on
Door/window sensor
The contact alarm is on
Door/window sensor
The tamper alarm is on
Door/window sensor (NE-NAS-DS01Z.EU)
The contact alarm is on
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm is on
Indoor siren
Is turned on
Indoor siren
The tamper alarm is on
Indoor siren
Is turned on
Mini energy dimmer
Is turned on
Mini RFID keypad
The tamper alarm is on
Mini RFID keypad
The state is  ...
Mini RFID keypad
Who? is at home
Select a person to check if this person is home or away.
Mini RFID keypad
Is armed
If the system is armed.
Multisensor 4 in 1
The contact alarm is on
Multisensor 4 in 1
The tamper alarm is on
Multisensor duo
The motion alarm is on
Multisensor duo
The tamper alarm is on
PIR motion sensor
The motion alarm is on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The motion alarm is on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The contact alarm is on
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
The tamper alarm is on
RGBW bulb
Is turned on
Smart carbon monoxide sensor
The CO alarm is on
Smart energy plug-in switch
Is turned on
Smart smoke sensor
The smoke alarm is on
Smart water leakage sensor
The water alarm is on
Smart water leakage sensor
The tamper alarm is on
Switch double
Is turned on
Valve controller
Is turned on


Turn on
Turn off
Toggle on or off
Dim to %
Set relative dim-level %
Dim or brighten with respect to the device's current dim-level.
Set the hue °
Select a color from the hue scale, for example red (0°/360°), yellow (60°), or blue (180°).
Set a color ...
Set a random color
Set the saturation %
Set a temperature %
Adjusts the temperature of the light. A higher value means a warmer color.
Strobe on Count times, with an interval Interval and color setting ...
Strobe off
Indoor siren
Turn on
Indoor siren
Turn off
Indoor siren
Toggle on or off
Indoor siren
Turn on
Indoor siren
Turn off
Indoor siren
Toggle on or off
Indoor siren
Turn siren off
Indoor siren
Turn siren on
Indoor siren
Alarm sound: ...
Indoor siren
Doorbell sound: ...
Indoor siren
Alarm duration time: ...
This does not turn off the alarm.
Indoor siren
Doorbell duration time Durations
This does not turn off the alarm.
Indoor siren
Turn siren off
Indoor siren
Turn siren on
Indoor siren
Alarm sound: ...
Indoor siren
Disable Siren
This does not turn off the alarm.
Indoor siren
Enable Siren
This does not trigger the alarm.
Mini energy dimmer
Turn on
Mini energy dimmer
Turn off
Mini energy dimmer
Toggle on or off
Mini energy dimmer
Dim to %
Mini energy dimmer
Set relative dim-level %
Dim or brighten with respect to the device's current dim-level.
Mini RFID keypad
Set state ...
Mini RFID keypad
Who has gone away? marked as away
Select a person to set the status of the person to away.
Mini RFID keypad
Who came home? marked as home
Select a person to set the status of the person to home.
Multisensor duo
Force ...
PSM02 & PST02 Multi-Sensor
Turn alarm tamper off
RGBW bulb
Turn on
RGBW bulb
Turn off
RGBW bulb
Toggle on or off
RGBW bulb
Dim to %
RGBW bulb
Set relative dim-level %
Dim or brighten with respect to the device's current dim-level.
RGBW bulb
Set the hue °
Select a color from the hue scale, for example red (0°/360°), yellow (60°), or blue (180°).
RGBW bulb
Set a color ...
RGBW bulb
Set a random color
RGBW bulb
Set the saturation %
RGBW bulb
Set a temperature %
Adjusts the temperature of the light. A higher value means a warmer color.
Smart energy plug-in switch
Turn on
Smart energy plug-in switch
Turn off
Smart energy plug-in switch
Toggle on or off
Switch double
Turn on
Switch double
Turn off
Switch double
Toggle on or off
Valve controller
Turn on
Valve controller
Turn off
Valve controller
Toggle on or off


The developer of this app does not offer direct support.

What’s new

Version 3.8.0 — FIX: #81 - RFID Conditional card not working. FIX: #85 - Multisensor Quad is added as a generic device. FIX: #86 - Zipato Mini RFID Keypad returns App not found when joining to Homey.

View changelog


Zipato is not compatible with the selected Homey.

Zipato will install on Homey shortly.
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