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Pushover Notifications

Pushover Notification with Image support

Diese App ist nicht mit Homey Pro (Early 2023) kompatibel.

Diese App ist veraltet und erfordert ein Update, um auf Homey Pro (Early 2023) zu funktionieren. Wenn du dies möchtest, wende dich bitte an den Entwickler hier.

Pushover Notification with Image support

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Pushover Notifications
Pushover notification Target Title Message Priority Sound Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification to a User / Group.
Pushover Notifications
Pushover Image Target Title Message Priority Sound Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification with an image to a User / Group.
Pushover Notifications
Pushover Image (Device) Target Title Message Priority Sound Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification with an image to a device.
Pushover Notifications
Pushover notification (Device) Target Title Message Priority Sound Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification to a specific device.


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Pushover Notifications

Pushover Notifications ist mit dem gewählten Homey nicht kompatibel.

Pushover Notifications wird in Kürze auf Homey installiert.