Homey Pro (Early 2023) er nu tilgængelig i Early Access

Delt Flow

Morgen container? - 16:00
Trigger Cards Trigger when Datum & Tijd - De tijd is (time1:16:00) conditions as If-Or-Or (Default) and Executing actioncards asynchronously (default)
Flow Director IF the next 1 cards are true THEN execute the 2 cards after that; Operator = AndAlso &&
Afval Herinnering 2.0 Afval wordt opgehaald Morgen Papier
Action Cards Await Better Logic - Set string variable (autocomplete1:ContainerStatus, text1:Papier)
Notification Methods Await Send Notification House (message, title) (text1:Morgen moet de blauwe container aan de weg worden gezet, text2:Info)
Flow Director ELSE IF the next 1 cards are true THEN execute the 2 cards after that; Operator = AndAlso &&
Afval Herinnering 2.0 Afval wordt opgehaald Morgen GFT
Action Cards Await Better Logic - Set string variable (autocomplete1:ContainerStatus, text1:GFT)
Notification Methods Await Send Notification House (message, title) (text1:Morgen moet de groene container aan de weg worden gezet, text2:Info)
Flow Director ELSE IF the next 1 cards are true THEN execute the 2 cards after that; Operator = AndAlso &&
Afval Herinnering 2.0 Afval wordt opgehaald Morgen PMD
Action Cards Await Better Logic - Set string variable (autocomplete1:ContainerStatus, text1:PMD)
Notification Methods Await Send Notification House (message, title) (text1:Morgen moet de oranje container aan de weg worden gezet, text2:Info)
Flow Director ELSE THEN execute the 1 cards after that
Action Cards Await Better Logic - Set string variable (autocomplete1:ContainerStatus, text1:Geen)
H.O.O.P. Return