Eurotronic Technology

Making your house more comfortable

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Making your house more comfortable

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Enheter som stöds


Klicka på en enhet ovan för att visa endast relaterade Flow-kort.


Air Quality Sensor
CO2-nivån ändrades
Air Quality Sensor
Temperaturen ändrades
Air Quality Sensor
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Air Quality Sensor
Dewpoint has changed
Air Quality Sensor
The air quality has changed
Air Quality Sensor
The air quality has changed to Quality
Air Quality Sensor
The volatile organic compound (VOC) has changed
Comet 700 Thermostat
Batterinivån ändrades
Comet 700 Thermostat
Temperaturen ändrades
Comet 700 Thermostat
Måltemperaturen ändrades
Comet 700 Thermostat
A valve error has occurred
Comet 700 Thermostat
Manual position changed
Comet 700 Thermostat
The (child) protection state changed
Comet 700 Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed
Comet 700 Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed to Mode
Comet 700 Thermostat
Manual position changed
Comet Thermostat
Batterinivån ändrades
Comet Thermostat
Temperaturen ändrades
Comet Thermostat
Måltemperaturen ändrades
Comet Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed
Comet Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed to Mode
Comet Thermostat
Manual position changed
Door/Window Sensor
Batterinivån ändrades
Door/Window Sensor
Kontaktalarmet aktiverat
Door/Window Sensor
Kontaktalarmet inaktiverat
Spirit Thermostat
Batterinivån ändrades
Spirit Thermostat
Temperaturen ändrades
Spirit Thermostat
Måltemperaturen ändrades
Spirit Thermostat
A valve error has occurred
Spirit Thermostat
Manual position changed
Spirit Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed
Spirit Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed to Mode
Spirit Thermostat
The (child) protection state changed
Stella Thermostat
Batterinivån ändrades
Stella Thermostat
Temperaturen ändrades
Stella Thermostat
Måltemperaturen ändrades
Stella Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed
Stella Thermostat
Thermostatic mode has changed to Mode
Stella Thermostat
Manual position changed
Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Batterinivån ändrades
Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Temperaturen ändrades
Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Luftfuktigheten ändrades
Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Dewpoint has changed


Air Quality Sensor
The air quality is Quality
Comet 700 Thermostat
The (child) protection state is State
Comet 700 Thermostat
Thermostat mode is Mode
Comet Thermostat
Thermostat mode is Mode
Door/Window Sensor
Kontaktalarmet är på
Spirit Thermostat
Thermostat mode is Mode
Spirit Thermostat
The (child) protection state is State
Stella Thermostat
Thermostat mode is Mode


Comet 700 Thermostat
Ställ in temperaturen °C
Comet 700 Thermostat
Set thermostatic position to Value
This will set the manual thermostatic's valve position. 0 = closed, 250 = fully open.
Comet 700 Thermostat
Set economy temperature to Degree Celsius
This sets the temperature for the Economy mode
Comet 700 Thermostat
Set (child) protection to State
With this card you can set the (child) protection state. You can unlock it by holding the plus and minus buttons.
Comet 700 Thermostat
Set thermostat mode to Mode
Set the mode of the thermostatic
Comet Thermostat
Ställ in temperaturen °C
Comet Thermostat
Set thermostat mode to Mode
Set the mode of the thermostatic
Comet Thermostat
Set economic temperature to Degree Celsius
This sets the temperature for the Economy mode
Comet Thermostat
Set thermostatic position to Percentage
This will set the manual thermostatic's valve position. 0% = fully closed, 100% = fully open.
Spirit Thermostat
Ställ in temperaturen °C
Spirit Thermostat
Set economy temperature to Degree Celsius
This sets the temperature for the Economy mode
Spirit Thermostat
Set the room temperature to TemperatureºC
Send an (external) temperature to the spirit so it knows the room temperature. The setting "(External) Room Temperature" does need to be active to use this.
Spirit Thermostat
Set thermostatic position to Percentage
This will set the manual thermostatic's valve position. 0% = fully closed, 100% = fully open.
Spirit Thermostat
Set (child) protection to State
With this card you can set the (child) protection state. You can unlock it by holding the plus and minus buttons.
Spirit Thermostat
Set thermostat to Mode
Set the mode of the thermostatic
Stella Thermostat
Ställ in temperaturen °C
Stella Thermostat
Set thermostat mode to Mode
Set the mode of the thermostatic
Stella Thermostat
Set economic temperature to Degree Celsius
This sets the temperature for the Economy mode
Stella Thermostat
Set thermostatic position to Percentage
This will set the manual thermostatic's valve position. 0% = fully closed, 100% = fully open.


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Vad är nytt?

Version 3.1.3 — Added device: Comet 700 Thermostat

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Eurotronic Technology

Eurotronic Technology är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Eurotronic Technology installeras på Homey inom kort.