Take full control over your Spotify Connect experience using Homey by including your speaker into your automations.
To prevent running into rate limits of the Spotify API this application requires you to set up a Spotify app yourself via the developer portal. Instructions can be found in our community forum thread.
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Spotify Connect
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Spotify Connect
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Spotify Connect
Spotify Connect
Ställ in volymen på %
Spotify Connect
Set relative volume %
Spotify Connect
Vrid upp volymen
Spotify Connect
Sänk volymen
Spotify Connect
Inaktivera volymen
Spotify Connect
Aktivera volymen
Spotify Connect
Slå på eller av avstängd volym
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Vad är nytt?
Version 1.0.2 — Allows volume to be set between -100 and +100 (used in relative volume card)
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