Shell Recharge

Smart charging at home for you electric vehicle using your newmotion/shell recharge point
Smart charging at home for you electric vehicle using your newmotion/shell recharge point

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Enheter som stöds


Klicka på en enhet ovan för att visa endast relaterade Flow-kort.


Charge point
Charge session ended or started
Charge point
Charge session completed
Charge point
Charge session started
Charge point
Chargepoint available
Charge point
Chargepoint fully occupied
Charge point
Chargepoint went offline
Charge point
Connector connected
Charge point
Connector disconnected
Shell Recharge
Strömmen ändrades


Charge point
Is there an active session with Using card
Active charge sessions...
Charge point
Is there an active session
Active charge sessions...


Charge point
Start a charging session using Select the charge card with Provide the power that the car can pull from this point kWh
Start a charge session using card...
Charge point
Update the charge power to Provide the power that the car can pull from this point kWh
Stelt de vermogen waarde in
Charge point
Stop the active charging session
Stop a active charge session...


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Vad är nytt?

Version 3.8.0 — Added power meter support for the energy dashboard

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Shell Recharge

Shell Recharge är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Shell Recharge installeras på Homey inom kort.