Coingecko Crypto prices

Make your home react to your favorite cryptocurrencies.
Make your home react to your favorite cryptocurrencies.

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Coingecko Crypto prices
There's been a price change of... ...
Coingecko Crypto prices
The 24h change becomes negative ...
Coingecko Crypto prices
The 24h change becomes positive ...


Coingecko Crypto prices
24h change is positive ...


Utvecklaren av den här appen erbjuder ingen direktsupport.

Vad är nytt?

Version 0.2.0 — Added try/catch to API call, better formatting.

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Coingecko Crypto prices

Coingecko Crypto prices är inte kompatibelt med vald Homey.

Coingecko Crypto prices installeras på Homey inom kort.