Dołącz do naszej urodzinowej imprezy. Tylko w tym tygodniu co 10. Homey Pro lub Homey Bridge jest darmowy!

Homesh Satellite

Let's you control this Homey by another Homey
Let's you control this Homey by another Homey

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Karty Flow


Homesh Satellite
Triggername started (1 text, 1 number, 1 yes/no)
Homesh Satellite
Triggername started (5 texts, 5 numbers, 5 yes/no's)
Homesh Satellite
Triggername started (10 texts, 10 numbers, 10 yes/no's)


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Wersja 0.9.13 — Added: Flowcards with 5 and 10 arguments.

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Homesh Satellite

Homesh Satellite nie jest kompatybilna z wybranym Homey.

Homesh Satellite zostanie wkrótce zainstalowana na Homey.