Weather Underground

Pobierz najnowsze dane ze swojej stacji pogodowej
Pobierz najnowsze dane ze swojej stacji pogodowej

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Karty Flow

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Weather Forecast
The cloud cover Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The gust strength Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The humidity Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The precipitation chance Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The precipitation type Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The rain total Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The snow chance Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The feels like temperature Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The high temperature Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The high temperature Period to report became greater than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The high temperature Period to report became less than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The low temperature Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The low temperature Period to report became greater than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The low temperature Period to report became less than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The ultraviolet Period to report changed
Weather Forecast
The wind angle Period to report changed
Weather Station
Zmiana temperatury
Weather Station
Zmiana wilgotności
Weather Station
Zmiana ciśnienia
Weather Station
Zmiana kąta wiatru
Weather Station
Zmiana siły wiatru
Weather Station
Zmiana siły porywu wiatru
Weather Station
Zmiana poziomu deszczu
Weather Station
Zmiana poziomu promieniowania UV
Weather Station
The solar radiation changed
Weather Station
The rain total changed
Weather Station
The dew point changed
Weather Station
The feels like changed
Weather Underground
Data has been resumed
Weather Underground
No data has been received


Weather Forecast
The cloud cover Period to report equals Cloud cover %%
Weather Forecast
The cloud cover Period to report is greater than Cloud cover %%
Weather Forecast
The gust strength Period to report !{equals|does not equal}} Gust strengthkm/h
Weather Forecast
The gust strength Period to report is greater than Gust strengthkm/h
Weather Forecast
The humidity Period to report equals Humidity%
Weather Forecast
The humidity Period to report is greater than Humidity%
Weather Forecast
The precipitation chance Period to report equals Chance of precipitation%
Weather Forecast
The precipitation chance Period to report is greater than Chance of precipitation%
Weather Forecast
The total rain Period to report equals Rain totalmm
Weather Forecast
The total rain Period to report is greater than Rain totalmm
Weather Forecast
The total snow Period to report equals Snow totalmm
Weather Forecast
The total snow Period to report is greater than Snow totalmm
Weather Forecast
The temperature Period to report equals Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The temperature Period to report is greater than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The maximum temperature Period to report equals Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The maximum temperature Period to report is greater than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The minimum temperature Period to report equals Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The minimum temperature Period to report is greater than Temperature°C
Weather Forecast
The ultraviolet Period to report equals Ultraviolet
Weather Forecast
The ultraviolet Period to report is greater than Ultraviolet
Weather Station
The hours since it last rained is equal to Hours since it last rainedHours
This Flow will continue if hours since it last rained is/is not equal to the set value.
Weather Station
The hours since it last rained is less less than Hours since it last rainedHours
This Flow will continue if hours since it last rained is/is not less than the set value.


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