Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

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Obsługiwane urządzenia

Karty Flow

Kliknij na urządzenie powyżej, aby wyświetlić tylko powiązane karty Flow.


Q Revo
Zmienił się poziom baterii
Q Revo
Zmiana stanu na... ...
Q Revo
New summary
Q Revo
Status has changed
Q Revo
Rooms have changed
Q5 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
Q5 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
Q5 Series
New summary
Q5 Series
Status has changed
Q5 Series
Rooms have changed
Q7 Max
Zmienił się poziom baterii
Q7 Max
Zmiana stanu na... ...
Q7 Max
New summary
Q7 Max
Status has changed
Q7 Max
Rooms have changed
Q7 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
Q7 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
Q7 Series
New summary
Q7 Series
Status has changed
Q7 Series
Rooms have changed
S5 Max
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S5 Max
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S5 Max
New summary
S5 Max
Status has changed
S5 Max
Rooms have changed
S5 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S5 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S5 Series
New summary
S5 Series
Status has changed
S5 Series
Rooms have changed
S6 MaxV
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S6 MaxV
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S6 MaxV
New summary
S6 MaxV
Status has changed
S6 MaxV
Rooms have changed
S6 Pure
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S6 Pure
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S6 Pure
New summary
S6 Pure
Status has changed
S6 Pure
Rooms have changed
S6 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S6 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S6 Series
New summary
S6 Series
Status has changed
S6 Series
Rooms have changed
S7 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S7 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S7 Series
New summary
S7 Series
Status has changed
S7 Series
Rooms have changed
S8 Series
Zmienił się poziom baterii
S8 Series
Zmiana stanu na... ...
S8 Series
New summary
S8 Series
Status has changed
S8 Series
Rooms have changed


Q Revo
Stan odkurzacza to ...
Q5 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...
Q7 Max
Stan odkurzacza to ...
Q7 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S5 Max
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S5 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S6 MaxV
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S6 Pure
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S6 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S7 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...
S8 Series
Stan odkurzacza to ...


Q Revo
Zacznij sprzątać
Q Revo
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
Q Revo
Wróć do bazy
Q Revo
Q Revo
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
Q Revo
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
Q Revo
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
Q Revo
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
Q Revo
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
Q Revo
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
Q5 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
Q5 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
Q5 Series
Wróć do bazy
Q5 Series
Q5 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
Q5 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
Q5 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
Q5 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
Q5 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
Q7 Max
Zacznij sprzątać
Q7 Max
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
Q7 Max
Wróć do bazy
Q7 Max
Q7 Max
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
Q7 Max
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
Q7 Max
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
Q7 Max
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
Q7 Max
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
Q7 Max
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
Q7 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
Q7 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
Q7 Series
Wróć do bazy
Q7 Series
Q7 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
Q7 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
Q7 Series
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
Q7 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
Q7 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
Q7 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S5 Max
Zacznij sprzątać
S5 Max
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S5 Max
Wróć do bazy
S5 Max
S5 Max
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S5 Max
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S5 Max
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S5 Max
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S5 Max
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S5 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
S5 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S5 Series
Wróć do bazy
S5 Series
S5 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S5 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S5 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S5 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S5 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S6 MaxV
Zacznij sprzątać
S6 MaxV
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S6 MaxV
Wróć do bazy
S6 MaxV
S6 MaxV
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S6 MaxV
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S6 MaxV
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
S6 MaxV
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S6 MaxV
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S6 MaxV
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S6 Pure
Zacznij sprzątać
S6 Pure
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S6 Pure
Wróć do bazy
S6 Pure
S6 Pure
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S6 Pure
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S6 Pure
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
S6 Pure
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S6 Pure
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S6 Pure
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S6 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
S6 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S6 Series
Wróć do bazy
S6 Series
S6 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S6 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S6 Series
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
S6 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S6 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S6 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S7 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
S7 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S7 Series
Wróć do bazy
S7 Series
S7 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S7 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S7 Series
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
S7 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S7 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S7 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates
S8 Series
Zacznij sprzątać
S8 Series
Zacznij sprzątać punktowo
S8 Series
Wróć do bazy
S8 Series
S8 Series
Let the robot speak
Let the vacuum cleaner tell you where it's at
S8 Series
Set vacuum power to ...
Adjust the suction power of your vacuum
S8 Series
Set scrub intensity to ...
Adjust the intensity of the scrubpad
S8 Series
Move your vacuum to X Coordinate,Y Coordinate
Move your vacuum to certain coordinates
S8 Series
Clean your room Room
Clean a certain room in your house
S8 Series
Clean the zone Corner 1 coordinate X,Corner 1 coordinate Y to Corner 2 coordinate X,Corner 2 coordinate Y Times cleaned times
Clean a zone based on coordinates


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Wersja 2.1.3 — Changed the Homey app store image.

Zobacz listę zmian


Roborock nie jest kompatybilna z wybranym Homey.

Roborock zostanie wkrótce zainstalowana na Homey.