ZTATZ P1 monitor is software to read a P1 smart meter. The software is ment to run on a Raspberry Rpi3 en Rpi4.
This app add integration with the ZTATZ API to configure flows based on values from P1.
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Obsługiwane urządzenia
P1 Daily Usage
P1 Financial per day
P1 Financial per month
P1 Generation
P1 Heating
P1 Phases
P1 Usage
P1 Water
Karty Flow
Kliknij na urządzenie powyżej, aby wyświetlić tylko powiązane karty Flow.
P1 Daily Usage
End total gas usage today
P1 Daily Usage
End total electricity usage today
P1 Daily Usage
End total electricity production today
P1 Daily Usage
End total water usage today
P1 Generation
Zmiana mocy
P1 Generation
Power generation high tarif has changed
P1 Generation
Power generation low tarif has changed
P1 Heating
Heating temperature IN has changed
P1 Heating
Heating temperature OUT has changed
P1 Heating
Delta temperature has changed
P1 Usage
Power used high tarif has changed
P1 Usage
Power used low tarif has changed
P1 Usage
A new version of ZTATZ is available
P1 Usage
Gas usage has changed
P1 Water
Zmiana poziomu przepływu wody
P1 Water
Zmiana w liczniku wody
Masz problem z tą aplikacją?
Skontaktuj się z twórcami aplikacji tutaj .
Wersja 0.8.8 — More fixes for phases compatibility with ZTATZ 2.4.1
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