Device Capabilities

Enhance the capabilities of devices

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Enhance the capabilities of devices

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Klikk på en enhet ovenfor for å kun vise relaterte Flow-kort.

Når …

Advanced Virtual Device
When Textfield is set
Advanced Virtual Device
When Number is set
Advanced Virtual Device
When Yes/No is set
Advanced Virtual Device
When Button is set
Advanced Virtual Device
When List is set
Advanced Virtual Device
When Status field is set
Device Capabilities
Listen (watch) from Device for Capability
This card will execute when a certain capability from a device has changed. For OnOff and capabilities with Insights, it will also supply as tokens, the User and Client how changed the value.
Device Capabilities
When Device.Capability is Condition Value for Duration Unit, execute Mode
This card will execute when a certain capability from a device has been a certain value for a specific period.
Device Capabilities
App App started
This card will execute when a certain App is started.
Device Capabilities
Zone became active or inactive
Device Capabilities
Device became available or unavailable (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type)

Og …

Device Capabilities
Set Device.Capability to True or False and wait for error: Error
Device Capabilities
App App is running
Check if a certain App is running or not
Device Capabilities
All devices are available (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type)

Så …

Advanced Virtual Device
Set Textfield to Text and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Numberfield to Number and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Yes/No field to Yes/No and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Button to Yes/No and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set List to Value and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Status to Text, Optionally Update Mobile App and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Status to Text with Number, Optionally Update Mobile App and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set the image of Camera to ...
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Field to Expression and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Field to BLL Expression and nothing else
Advanced Virtual Device
Set the name of Field to Name
Advanced Virtual Device
Set Warning to Text
Advanced Virtual Device
Clear Warning
Device Capabilities
Set from Deviceclass (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type) for Capability to Text in Zone/Tag including subzones (Subzones)
Set from all devices in a zone, optionally all subzones, of a particulier class (light/curtain/etc), optionally filter by brand and devicetype, the capability to a certain text.
Device Capabilities
Set from Deviceclass (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type) for Capability to Number in Zone/Tag including subzones (Subzones)
Set from all devices in a zone, optionally all subzones, of a particulier class (light/curtain/etc), optionally filter by brand and devicetype, the capability to a certain number.
Device Capabilities
Set from Deviceclass (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type) for Capability to % in Zone/Tag including subzones (Subzones)
Set from all devices in a zone, optionally all subzones, of a particulier class (light/curtain/etc), optionally filter by brand and devicetype, the capability to a certain percentage.
Device Capabilities
Set from Deviceclass (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type) for Capability to Yes/No in Zone/Tag including subzones (Subzones)
Set from all devices in a zone, optionally all subzones, of a particulier class (light/curtain/etc), optionally filter by brand and devicetype, the capability to Yes or No.
Device Capabilities
Set from Deviceclass (optional: Brand, optional: Device Type) for Capability to JSON in Zone/Tag including subzones (Subzones)
Set from all devices in a zone, optionally all subzones, of a particulier class (light/curtain/etc), optionally filter by brand and devicetype, the capability value as a JSON value. "text", 0.25 or true. Mind the double quotes for text.
Device Capabilities
Retrieve the insights value from Device for Capability from Minutes ago minutes ago
Retrieve the Value from the Insight Log (and OnOff) from x Minutes ago. Setting it to zero (0) minutes will retrieve the last changed value. Includes Tokens for with the User and Client who changed the value.
Device Capabilities
Retrieve the insights value from Device (tag) for Capability (tag) from Minutes ago minutes ago
Retrieve the Value from the Insight Log (and OnOff) from x Minutes ago. Setting it to zero (0) minutes will retrieve the last changed value. Includes Tokens for with the User and Client who changed the value. Devices can be found by Name or ID. Capabilities can be found by ID or Title.
Device Capabilities
Set Advanced Virtual Device Unavailable with message Text
Device Capabilities
Set Advanced Virtual Device Available
Device Capabilities
Execute Expression
Device Capabilities
Write Advanced Virtual Device in Diagnostic
Device Capabilities
Get Flows containing Object Type, filtered: Filter, flat:Flat


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Versjon 2.15.4 — Updated: Homey-api.

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Device Capabilities

Denne appen kan styre alle aspekter ved Homey.

Device Capabilities er ikke kompatibel med den valgte Homey.

Device Capabilities vil straks installeres på Homey.