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Google Traffic

Never be late for work by starting your day with actual traveling time. Also the travel time towards home can be shown
Never be late for work by starting your day with actual traveling time. Also the travel time towards home can be shown

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Når …

Google Traffic
The traveling time with the car was updated
Google Traffic
The traveling time to home was updated
Google Traffic
The traveling time with transit was updated
Google Traffic
The traveling time to work was updated

Så …

Google Traffic
Determine duration via driving Origin Destination ...
Google Traffic
Determine duration via transit Origin Destination ...
Google Traffic
Update traveling time to home ...
Google Traffic
Update traveling time to work ...


Utvikleren av denne appen tilbyr ikke direkte støtte.


Versjon 1.0.8 — corrected Homey permissions

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Google Traffic

Google Traffic er ikke kompatibel med den valgte Homey.

Google Traffic vil straks installeres på Homey.